
Free and low-cost leisure activities in Mexico



We invite you to share some information regarding leisure activities that are free or low-cost in Mexico. This information will give future expats (or even current expats) an idea regarding some of leisure activities that they might not be aware of.

Is there a way to find out about free or low-cost fun activities in Mexico, such as a specific app, or a newsletter, or magazine, tourism board, etc.? How do you find out where events are organised?

What are the most common free leisure activities in Mexico?
Which free activities do you recommend for children, for teenagers, for adults, and for seniors?

Are there certain days where access to paid activities are offered at a lower price or even for free, such as museum entry, or exhibitions, or a theme park, etc.?

How do you maximise your leisure activities in the most cost-effective manner?

Thank you for sharing your experience,


See also

Leisure activities in MexicoEating out in Mexico CitySports in Mexico CityThings to do in Mexico City alone, with family and friends or with a partnerThings to do on weekdays in Mexico City

If you live by the coast then fishing is free. I just walk down to the beach and throw my line in. For low cost entertainment I can go to the movie for $30 pesos that's less than $3 dollars.  You can go watch baseball,or soccer for free at the many sports field that are around.


Mexico has many free and low cost activities. 

Just around my city there are activities in el centro. El centro it'self is something to see.  As you walk around you might see a free art show because often there are artistic displays  and sculptures on Cale 59 which is closed for walking.   In the park on the main square there is a tourist desk where you can get more ideas.

The malecon is the site of many activities plus it is set up for walking biking and running. There are three distinct paths. Many of the universities let you look at the art work there for free, or a very small price. For a very small price you can walk on the wall or go up
to the fortress and look at artifacts. You just have to look and ask.

Lots of things to see and then there are festivals.

Travel Info Mexico

Mazatlan has many free and low cost activities.

Old Mazatlán, Malecón, Basilica of the Immaculate Conception, Playa Olas Altas,El Faro Lighthouse, Mazatlán Aquarium, Isla de la Piedra, Angela Peralta Theatre and Beaches.


I suggest going to the State Tourism Office, Many have calendars of events that are free. Also larger towns and cities have Culture houses or Casas de Cultura that have free events such as movies, municipal bands, art exhibits and folklore dancing especially on weekends and holidays.


Mexico is full of these. Fiestas happen constantly, with lots of music and other, well, festive activities, and they are generally free and a lot of fun.  When towns celebrate their fiestas pratronales there are processions and lots of entertainment. Amazing and it doesnt cost a dime. There are free cinema festivals and art exhibits and public concerts. It is unending. Mexico is a world cultural capital and supports the arts tremendously.

jonny danger

I know I'm in the minority but I don't like the music much and I live in Mariachi central. 

Once in La Paz, in a marina, I was in charge of music for a subasta.  The (already paid) mariachis arrived late, ate more than their share and drank every drop of tequila in sight, then left earlier than agreed to. 

I seem to entertain myself with learning and discovering.  Like when I was robbed of my electric guitar in my motel room in Mazatlán several serendipitous events appeared.  One is that after calling the police they actually showed up.  Another was that although they stole my cash they left me with 200P.  Amazing!  Now that's what I call honor among thieves. 

If I get lied to, robbed, scammed, I get angry.  That too is an entertaining form of education for one's self because it elevates the brain's sensitivity and fine tunes your conceptual neuron firing.

Since being dedicated to the education of children since leaving the uni I find anything that involves piñatas or pushing the child's face into the birthday cake absolutely disgusting.  But being witness and the glee that comes from thanking God these are not my children is overwhelming.

Don't like football other than when The San Francisco 49ers beat up on the Dallas Cowboys.  Not too much gridiron football round here. 

If I need a good laugh I'll watch any Mexican-produced TV show.  I especially like the Tele Novelas.  Great acting!


Such a negative, cynical outlook - are you like that everywhere or maybe it is time to leave Mexico? Telenovelas can be fun; of course some tv is free entertainment everywhere. But to think that anger is positive indicates your character perhaps. It is normal to get angry when you are ripped off, of course. And anger can provide a sort of energy, especially if channeled to productive activity. Such as resolving the problems that arise when you are ripped off. But it should not be cultivated, that will only bring more problems. And especially in Mexico remaining calm and polite is a cultural norm. Can you see any good in the culture? If not, maybe it is not for you....


Thank you jeanscene!!!
Well said I agree !!

jonny danger

jeanscene wrote:

Such a negative, cynical outlook - are you like that everywhere or maybe it is time to leave Mexico? Telenovelas can be fun; of course some tv is free entertainment everywhere. But to think that anger is positive indicates your character perhaps. It is normal to get angry when you are ripped off, of course. And anger can provide a sort of energy, especially if channeled to productive activity. Such as resolving the problems that arise when you are ripped off. But it should not be cultivated, that will only bring more problems. And especially in Mexico remaining calm and polite is a cultural norm. Can you see any good in the culture? If not, maybe it is not for you....

Now that's funny!  Their culture is the same as mine.  It's called Western Culture.  I've been here since 1981, you?  So please go on with your lecture ...

The Mariachis ripped us off and stole the food and drinks.  So of course I have no quarrel, after all it's their country (They never go to live in my country and sh*t on the customs).  Hey, any of you cool Mariachis want to meet my sister?  Anyone want to barrow some money, I have more than I need.  After all I'm in your country  :D

Who knows why they push the kids face into cake?   I do.

Let's see. low cost entertainment .. I like to go to the library and help the kids with their homework.  I like to play catch with KIki, she's my 6-YO neighbor. I like to watch old reruns of the best Mexican TV show ever.  It's called, La Cosa with Hector Suarez.  No sense going to movies.  I have 5000 torrent downloads on three external hard drives.   I like to sit in sidewalk cafes and shout insults in Spanish to passing Gringo tourists.    :D  < that's a similey


Thank you, changeling. Sorry, but I see a great difference between Northern American and Mexican culture. For one thing, social attitudes. There is more than Mariachi  - which can be quite nice - to the music. You havent noticed? Just because one group acts badly, you condemn everything. What is that called? Why are you there if you dislike it so much? And your idea of fun is shouting insults at people? You should at least appreciate the Mexicans for tolerating such rudeness. And tolerance is one of their great qualities. I was present for my one year old nephews one year party - in the States. The fashion is to serve them a huge platter of ice cream and encourage them to make a total mess with it. Adults have weird ideas. Was the child traumatized by the cake thing or did they laugh with them?

jonny danger

Moderated by Bhavna 7 years ago
Reason : inappropriate

A smiley is rather ambiguous. Following a sentence, does it necessarily change or erase the meaning of that sentence? That could be a smile representing an in your face joy of rudeness sort of attitude, couldnt it? Well, I see no purpose in pursuing this, it has nothing to do with the topic or the forum really. In any case we are not here to denigrate, criticize, judge, but to assist and inform. At least that is my impression.  How are negativity and cynicism helpful? They are corrosive actually. Why you continue to live in a society you dont like or respect, I dont know. But please, don't try to destroy other people's pleasure in it or appreciation of it.

jonny danger

That's great!  You should write a film script!


Wow, guys...are you still writting about the low cost activities in Mexico of has the topic change?


DanaGhani wrote:

Wow, guys...are you still writting about the low cost activities in Mexico of has the topic change?

No that is the topic, but some tend to take it off topic.


Hello everyone,

Please note that we have put aside some off-topic posts and we invite members to post only about the following subject : Free and low-cost leisure activities in Mexico

Thank you in advance,


This one has been pretty entertaining and did'nt cost a dime. Thanks Guys!


No one has mentioned the evening passeo, I think it is called. Almost obligatory. Everyone works on looking good then they promenade around sunset in the  central plaza. Great people watching and sometimes bands play. A nice glimpse of Mexican family and social life. And totally free of course. Some covered markets are wonderful too. There is one in Oaxaca, for instance, in the central market zone (there are several, forget the name) where it is a real pleasure just to walk around looking at all the beautiful and fascinating products, the herbs and spices, the colors and tantalizing  odors. Of course you will probably end up spending money, but it will probably be delicious and hey, we all have to eat!