Starting a garment shop in Ljubljana

Hi all,

I plan to invest in Slovenia with my personal savings (about 10,000 EUR) by opening a garment shop in Ljubljana.

I plan to hire couple of local citizens there for managing the shop. The raw material etc. could either be procured locally or imported from India (not sure now - it depends on the cost and variety I get).

Once things are settled there, I plan to bring in my wife and kids (aged 1 year and 8 year, respectively).

Therefore, I would like to know the entire process of investing, formalities, cost and time duration for the aforementioned plan. Any guidance/ suggestions would be helpful.


Welcome to the forum :)

I have to ask why this country?

Second, have you actually visited it? If you only have €10,000 that that will no go far with legal fees in gaining entry.

Thanks SimCityAT for your reply.

Choosing Slovenia was due to better opportunity in Europe. There were few countries in the shortlist, but Slovenia looked more lucrative from investment and cost of living perspective.

And the investment which I'm looking at is EUR 50,000 and not 10,000 (could be typo error).


Hi there I want to give you some good advice.Slovenia cs not a good Country to invest in.Therefore I would realy think twice before you decide to take the move.