
average hourly salary for part-time ayi?

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What is the average hourly salary for a part-time ayi who does light cleaning - no cooking or childcare.

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Job offers in ChinaThe labour market in ChinaFinding work in ChinaSetting up a business in ChinaBecome a digital nomad in China

I have an Aiye that cleans my offices. She comes in once a day and cleans the floors, does the window and empties the trash. Her time is one hour a day. I pay her 100 RMB/week for this service.

In short it will depend where you live, and what you want her to do.


I saw a survey from last year, it says something RMB25 to 40/hour in Shanghai. Not sure about this year!
Any Ayi/maid/helper who knows one thing or two about hygiene standards and understands English instructions would be on the higher range and more likely interested in full-time opportunities.
You might consider asking your neighbors ayi to come over when she's free if you are single and needs the ayi once or twice per week for one hour or two.


Thank you to all who responded.   It is pretty much as I had thought.

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