British Expats

Hello, I moved to Mauritius in October last year after spending my whole life up to that point in the UK.  I was wondering if there are many British Expats on the island, particularly in their twenties and thirties.  Whilst I am very fortunate to have family here I have left all my UK friends behind and currently don't have much of a social life, which I would like to have with expats here.  I guess I'm missing chatting in English to people about current events going on back home and the British way of life over a coffee or a pint!

Is there anybody in the same situation as me?  Also is there a particular town or towns where there is a British expat community here or is it just a case of people being dotted about the island?  I live in Vacoas.     


Hi Nigel,

Welcome to the forum.

Maybe a quick search on the Mauritius Expat Network will be useful to you :

Afterwards, you can send a private message to members while introducing yourself.

All the best,

Hi Bhavna, thank you for your reply.  Yes, I will do a search on the network..  I thought I would write a post here so people could reply to it if they happen to read this forum as well.

Hi...Islander. -__- lol

There was talk of getting an English-speaking social group going but it never seemed to materialize.

I'd love to join in, i had an interview today in English and i felt rusty due to lack of practice i guess.

As for British expats specifically, there are a few on the forum i think.

Hey islander, cool name!  As with any language it does need practice.  I am in a similar position with French for those reasons.   We will have to see whether there is much interest from others this time I suppose.

I'm down to meet up with a group of people, if we could get a few more people it would be nice.

Hi Islander
Welcome to Mauritius and to the forum. My husband is Mauritian and whilst I love living here I do miss the British sense of humor 😀 . Would love if we can set up some sort of group where we can all meet up .... and of course any one wanting to practice their English would be most welcome.
Let me know if you are interested and let's see what we can organize.

Hi Islander, Born, schooled, worked etc all life Essex, UK until 20 months ago when I relocated here. Although My family background is of Local Mauritian Parents, they returned here many years ago while I remained UK. I'm on the east of the island but move around frequently for my Watersports activity. If you and other Brit expats do form an English speaking group I'd love to join in. I have integrated here reasonably well with my Watersports networking on the island plus my island family connections but all the same it's not quite the same as familiar things that are second nature when talking with others from back home. Hope to hear. Please PM me.

Thanks for your replies Samantha and dannygeere.  I think I'm still at the stage where I'm adapting to living here but it is becoming easier as time goes on.  Yes, I miss the British sense of humour as well!  I don't miss the weather there though, I think I left just at the right time considering the winter they've just had.  Yes, some sort of group is interesting although our differing locations might pose a problem ... it is certainly an idea to look at though especially if others are keen.

Forgot to mention that there is a small group of British expats around the grand Baie area in the North, who I've not yet met. They set up regular coffee meets through the (Mauritius) Facebook page.
Perhaps a Facebook page could be set up for specific British expats around the island, that could provide an easy way to keep communicative/connected and pave the way for any future or existing Brit expats to join in allowing for easy & smooth communications without taking up space/ reference on this forum. ???
I have to admit I've not met any British expats where I live on the east but that's really because I've not put out any such search enquiry.
I can look into setting up the private Facebook page and we could take it from there? Please let me know your thoughts. (Samantha & Nigel)

I think this is a good idea. We need to start somewhere and just talking about it isn't going to achieve anything! Maybe we can see if will then post a link to the Facebook site as well? I will see if I can reach out to the moderators on this. Maybe other nationalities would want to do something similar and then we could organize inter-nations events once in a while ..... (ok so I might be over-thinking this now!) 😀

Hi! I am Emma 27 from South London.

I will be arriving on the 11th May for a little to help assist with finding a job. If you are keen to meet up one day anyone? I'll be in Black River :)

Also if you know of any companies I should contact prior to my arrival who are keen to employ english Expats then please let me know. I'm trying to do as much leg work as possible before I arrive!

Hi Emma
What type of job are you looking for and what will be your residence status when you come here ie are you married to a Mauritian?

Im with  a Mauritian but not married as of yet - this will be in our future.

Well I have been working in the finance industry for 8+ years... Currently doing credit control. Looking for jobs in customer relations, accounts, debt collection, credit control, financial administration... 

I arrive 11th - 27th to try make some dent in the job market and with agencies in person

Emma x

Samantha and Danny - if you want to look into a private page or group (a private group would be good on here but I'm not sure if it can be done) then by all means do so.  Apologies if it sounds like I'm not being proactive, unfortunately I am very busy at the moment with a few things so I have been a bit preoccupied lately.             

Hello Emma and welcome.  Have you tried looking at job websites in Mauritius for vacancies?  I know there are quite a few, I think, etc .  Also when you get to Mauritius make sure to get the local newspapers as vacancies are often advertised in them.


Thanks Nigel I'll check it out :)

Hi Emma
If you are not married you will need an occupation permit. I don't think a work permit would be suitable / relevant.
Once you are married you will have the right to live and work here freely.
The employer will have a bit of admin work and fees to pay in respect of the occupation permit so you might find this is a bit of a stumbling block. But do persevere it can be done.
Try linked in for jobs and contacting your larger firms (international banks / accountants / lawyers) as you might have more success there.


SamanthaRamloll wrote:

Hi Emma
If you are not married you will need an occupation permit. I don't think a work permit would be suitable / relevant.


Why is that?
The only problem, after getting an employer to apply for the work permit on her behalf ( including all the justifications as to why she has been  chosen in lieu of a local ) at the  Ministry of Labour, Industrial Relations and Employment, she will have to be off island to wait for the review of her application before delivery. And she will apply for her residence permit on the same day of the delivery of the work permit in the same building. So long her salary is < Rs 60K, it is relevant.

Hi Samantha, apologies I've only just picked up this thread again. Okay, I will look into setting up a Facebook page at least and send you the link to it when done.
Hopefully by then you may have heard something back by then regarding this sites moderators enabling the link. Will be in touch soon.

Hi Nigel,

I'm a Brit expat and struggling with isolation here due to culture clash!

Coffee then a few beers sounds amazing. I'm in Grand Baie. Let's arrange something!

Oh my gosh Brit expat here in Grand Baie! Please let me know how I can get in touch with the Brit Grand Baie group!

Many thanks!

If there is any information on a British expat meet up in Grand Baie area, let me know as well please!  :D

I'm arriving on the 11th in Black river. Free for coffee x

Hi everyone, I'm due to move to Mauritius next week for three months, and will be based in Quatre Bornes. Wondering if any progress was made with arranging a meet up as mentioned on this thread or setting up a facebook group? Thanks so much

Hi people... normally i put hiking activities every month  as far as possible... you can join both local  and expat.

Hi would be happy...

Thanks everybody for your replies.  Frostbelle - yes I understand that totally!  Yeah I think it would be best to arrange a meet up for a drink in the next few weeks.  I was thinking of one weekend on a Saturday or Sunday during the day, because a night out may cause problems with transport, especially with people living in different places.  How does that sound?

I think that sounds like a great idea. Definitely agree with weekend and daytime best!

Sounds good to me, let me know if/when you have something organised, please.
Dom D.

Had trouble finding an expat community in Mauritius while considering the move in country earlier this year

Will keep an eye here to see how you all get on

Interested in moving to the north east /west with an eye on supplying AV and smart home / business automation

Definitely up for a meetup on a weekend during the day.

I am moving to the island in June - Brit girl - and would love to join you guys too!

Hi BohoDreaming!  Yes of course - when you reach here let us know by all means.

emma_731 wrote:

I'm arriving on the 11th in Black river. Free for coffee x

Although i dont go anymore at present there is a Regular coffee morning on a Saturday at TIDEZ in Flic En Flac from around 10:00  There are several English and others who speak english who meet up.

Hi everyone how does Saturday 12th May sound as a date to meet up for a drink?  Would people be free to come if we had the meetup on that day?

The day I arrive is my partners dad bday so we have a party at their place but let me know the details I'll try and Pop by x

Sat 12th is good for me. Where? I'll be teaching during the day, free in the afternoon xx

I was thinking Lambic in Port Louis from 2pm onwards.  Although I am open to suggestions if there are alternative venues people have in mind.

12th sounds good to me. Where is Lambic? Haven't been to PL for ages so not sure if it is me being blind or whether it is somewhere new!

I'm not sure how long it's been open.  It's on St Georges St, down a couple of side streets but less than 10 mins walk from centre of Port Louis. 

I don't you if you know Edith Cavell St, its off the main road of Port Louis.  There's a Galaxy electronic store there.  Go down that road, turn right on to La Chaussee and then it's on the second street on the left, so after St Louis St.  Sorry if that doesnt make sense, I'm terrible with directions! … 57.4999013