
Family reunion Visa: what to do if the enquiry goes wrong



I am here to share my experience.

First of all some details:

Husband: Indian, but born in Germany, employee with apartment
Wife: Indian, graduate and german language course passed
Applied for family reunion visa to German Embassy in New Delhi, India


During the investigation at my in-laws place my mother-in-law accidentally said the wrong place of birth (pob) of my wife. She said her own pob and the stupid wannabe enquiry officer wrote it down. Even he was holding the passport he still didn’t care. Even though, one member of the family tried to solve the mistake but he just ignored it and said “why would a mother make a false statement”.

Shit happens. A big, unnecessary mistake. My mother-in-law was nervous and it slipped out.


We needed two Affidavits and a german lawyer who already had to do with foreign embassy.

The first Affidavit was issued at the pob of my mother-in-law. The brother of my mother-in-law witnessed that her daughter was not born there.

The second Affidavit was issued at the pob of my wife. My father-in-law and mother-in-law witnessed that her daughters pob is correct and the birth certificate, too.

According to the German Law the passport is enough to identify a person and to acknowledge the data written down there.

The visa was issued after 2 months. The whole visa procedure took us together 8 months (included the time of learning german).


too much trouble and tension, internet searches, delay of 2 months and extra costs about 2 lakhs.

Some Tips:

* Let the lawyer write it to the german embassy in New Delhi. Of course, he will take some time, but don’t get on the germanys embassy nerves by asking why the visa is not approved yet.

* If you fill your visa application, then give the address of your husbands family. In this way, nothing will go wrong. They are asked the questions only related to the passport and marriage. The other questions can be easily avoided.

* Plus, if the family is big, only two person should talk to the enquiry officer. Even the children can be asked questions. SO BE CAREFUL that nothing goes wrong!

* The enquiry officer can even ask you to call your spouse via whatsapp during the investigation. So the spouse should be notified as soon as the officer comes and he should be mentally ready to answer the questions asked by him.

* If you have question related to how big your apartment should be in germany or the minimum income requirement,… you can call to vfs global in Berlin. They are very helpful and nice.

* You should also rehearse some questions and answers with your parents.

Some Questions asked during the investigation:

* Date and place of marriage
* how you met your spouse
* when was the marriage registered
* how many people were invited
* which marriage palace was chosen
* ..

So, I hope this experience could help someone in need. I will also post this on some other sites.

With Love

See also

The Working Holiday Visa for GermanyWork visas for GermanyBecoming an ExpatResident VisaA new digital portal to apply for a German visa.

Thank you for this post :-) We will make from Pakistan(I mean my husband) and i think all this info what you have give will help us.Good luck :)


Can you tell me about this minimum income requirement please?


WellWisher: The embassy staff obviously doubted that yours is a real marriage (rather than a marriage of convenience, just to get a visa). They do not have time or motivation to do such in-depth investigations in all cases!

Amina: The minimum requirements to get a German family reunion visa are available on the embassy webpage - and were discussed several times on this forum. I recommend you do your own research!


Thanks wellwisher for sharing this tip. It is helpful to many who may be or will be going through this process. !


Wellwisher and beppi thank you for your experienced shared and wish you would continue to share when they are still needed  on the forum. I appreciate these a lot because this helped me  during my marriage processing in my country Benin republic in June . This is just to inform and testify to everybody  here that all the advice and experiences sharing here are useful and it will also be useful because I wish to apply for my family reunion visa soonest but I am still in language school . Your advice and your experience are welcome.