Duplicate alcoholic drinks

I came to know from several barmen, some of the hard liquor sold, whiskey, vodka, tequila etc, in many of the pubs,  are not the original alcohols, has anyone experienced this?

Who cares, as long as it makes you drunk?

https://www.drinkaware.co.uk/advice/sta … e-alcohol/

Nobody is perfect  :D

Then just don't drink alcohol. It's better for you anyway!

beppi wrote:

Who cares, as long as it makes you drunk?

The dead drinkers mothers?

Many fake alcoholic drinks contain methanol (and other very dangerous stuff), a nasty chemical that makes you drunk, .. and often kills the drinker.

Very true
Mostly served during promos n on ladies night
So especially ladies take care what they offer you

Very true
Mostly served during promos n on ladies night
So especially ladies take care what they offer you

Absolutely wrong
Even doctors advise a little alcohol is good for health to thin the blood, less pressure on the heart

Nobody fakes drinks with little alcohol, such as beer and wine. Only the harder (and less good for health) liquers we are talking about here. I should have made this clearer in my post.


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