
Hi From a newbie - Toohp

Last activity 04 June 2018 by murraynz

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Just saying Hi , Im an Aussie looking at possibly retiring in Thailand , spent 5 months there last year and love the place . Single never married no Kids , just had some health problems last year causing me to give up my business of 30 years now struggling to get back into a new field at 57 yo so thinking of making the move to Thailand !!! Should I do it ?

Cheers Toohp

bill kip

There will be several others in this forum that will give you a verity of comments about a new career. If you like the idea of teaching, then that's fine. Thailand has extensive limitations on non nationals doing work in Thailand. One can not even volunteer without having a work permit. One alternative is to look in your home country or international job postings for potential work. Even so come on over for your first exploratory trip and enjoy yourself.


As usual I have a very different read on this post.  I don’t think toohp is looking for a new career in Thailand.  It sounds to me as if he has been struggling in his efforts to get back into a new field at 57 and is considering abandoning the idea and moving in a new direction, away from work. 

At 57 it may be time to try something new, like Thailand, and get your life on a healthier track.  Ill health is often a wakeup call that life is short and we need to climb out of the hole we have put ourselves in so we can see the horizon and smell the roses before it is too late.

Since he has already done a 5 month exploratory trip and loves Thailand, though I am unsure which part, if he has sufficient funds I say go for it.


Yes finding to change career in oz at 57 is hard , Spent nearly 5 months down in Chanthaburi .
Planning on going back soon .


'there is no place like home", if you have health problems....but if not major and you have sufficient funds...thailand is great ..different areas of thailand are hugely different..
dont come here if you cant fully support yourself without your pension..working here at 57, or buying a business--not wise at all...
i live near pattaya, always plenty to do,and cheaper than bkk or phuket..
i stayed in different areas 2-3 times per yr, for 8yrs, before deciding to buy a condo here...
i reguarly meet expats from aus or uk etc, who are struggling financially, to have a decent life here.
its definitely cheaper than aus, but there will be no enjoyment if you dont have decent income+health insurance...stay away if you have an alcahol problem..
at 67yrs old, i have a fabulous life in pattaya---i big party night per week,with the ladies-suits me..
i also have no health problems.....used to take painkillers for knees and arthritic problems---the warmth and plenty of walking,solve that problem

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