Moving to Xativa

Myself and my partner are hoping to move from London to Xativa in the Valencia region, in the coming year, potentially to set up a small B&B offering.  Our Spanish is basic at the moment, but we intend to learn the language and immerse ourselves into Spanish culture.  It would be great to hear from anyone that has recently made the move to this area, or has any advice on making the move to Xativa, or even setting up a B&B offering?
Many thanks!

Welcome to the forum
Setting up a B&B requires you to have some licencing. Read this carefully as it may dictate certain requirements to have a property listed and registered to run a B&B … proc=14164
You will need a certificate to handle food and understand about the farm to fork system of as detailed by the EU. If it is not covered in the farm to fork you have to also get to know about allergens and how to prepare food if requested under this scheme.
You will need insurances too.
For the most cost effective way to run your business you should consult a gestoría. They can tell you about the plus and negative side to the various ways businesses can be set up in Spain.
It is possible to purchase a house/ruin or an already up and running business. It depends on your budget. Or how long you are willing to renovate before you receive some income. Whilst you have no income you will still need to have health insurance. Whilst working you pay into "the system"
Get some legal advice before handing over any money.

To be honest it seems from your other post you have not really made up your mind if you want to settle in this area.