
How safe is to drink Tap water in kuwait (with or without filter)


Hello Team,

I was just wondering today that how safe is to drink tap water in Kuwait. As per my research on google, i got confused as some of the answered are positive and many are negative.

We use to drink bottled water but from last few days we started tab water using filter as we feel its hectic to carry bottles always.

Hope to get some output here.


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The water using filter should be ok. Been doing it for years.



The water sources in the GCC generally are:

Surface water i.e. linked to rainfall. Negligible
Groundwater through shallow renewable or deep non renewable aquifiers.  It is brackish in nature
Desalination from sea water
Treated waste water
Cloud seeding to build reserves in surface and ground water (UAE)

Coming to Kuwait, their basic source is desalination so the water is generally safe however, by the time it gets to your home, it has been stored in overhead or underground tanks in the heat or in some cases, been inadvertently mixed with other sources to cover gaps.  The consistency can't be guaranteed always. Hence, the recommendation is to use a water filter at home and not to drink out of the tap.


XTang wrote:

The water sources in the GCC generally are:

Surface water i.e. linked to rainfall. Negligible
Groundwater through shallow renewable or deep non renewable aquifiers.  It is brackish in nature
Desalination from sea water
Treated waste water
Cloud seeding to build reserves in surface and ground water (UAE)

Coming to Kuwait, their basic source is desalination so the water is generally safe however, by the time it gets to your home, it has been stored in overhead or underground tanks in the heat or in some cases, been inadvertently mixed with other sources to cover gaps.  The consistency can't be guaranteed always. Hence, the recommendation is to use a water filter at home and not to drink out of the tap.

Thanks senior it was an helpful reply,

I am using water filter, but after drinking this tab water even with filter i feel its heavy to stomachs compare to bottled water.


Moepolska wrote:

The water using filter should be ok. Been doing it for years.


I will continue drinking bottled water as this is not working and i am not satisfied.

Thanks for taking out time to reply.


Get a better filter, something like Coolpex offers


Choice is yours budd. Take your pick. All the best


Ask your harris, lots of companies will deliver water to your house in the big water cooler bottles or plastic bottles if you prefer

A H 7


Don't just use one filter. There are 3 and 4 phase filters with 3 and 4 filters. And with reverse Osmosis electric process too. Those filters cost 120 to 180 kd. And then after 6 months u sign a yearly Contract of 50kd for the Company to.change your filters and fix them for u free of charge since the 50 kd covers all maintenence too