
Considering Phuket for a year or two


So to tell you a bit about myself, I have never left the United States besides a vacation to Mexico, and then the Bahamas a few times. I am a 21 year old stock trader. I currently live in Dallas paying over $1,500 in rent and not really enjoying it to say the least. This lease ends around March, so planning where I'd like to live.

About a year ago I almost moved to Chiang Mai, but instead chose Florida where I abruptly lost everything in Hurricane Irma. I love FL, but really would like to go to another country for a year. I'd love to travel to multiple countries within 1-2 years, however I have a dog and that is not practical.

My Question(s):
I have a dog. How hard is it to find someone willing to allow a dog? He is a 50 pound mix, friendly with everyone, does not run away when off a leash, and is 100% housetrained. Is it even possible to find decent accommodation with him? My plan would be to find a place, go for 2-4 weeks to get 100% moved in, and then fly him over once ready.

Renting a house/apartment/villa?
I'm tired of apartments, and highrises. I currently live in a highrise and with a dog, it is very hard when it comes to bathroom trips. I'd love to rent a 2 bedroom house/villa. I'm trying to find a place VERY close to the beach (less than 10-15 minute WALK). If it sits on the beach or is a condo/apartment with a view, that will do of course. I LOVE to surf, and I heard Phuket has a couple beaches that have good waves during the rainy season.

How's the internet?
As a trader, I need OKAY internet. I'm fine with a bit of latency as I'm not a day trader, but nothing too bad.

I am willing to TRY and learn a new language, but I failed to learn Spanish so not sure. How's the English there?

I'd like to spend less than $1,000 a month on rent, but I understand being near a beach comes with a premium. Be realistic with me with pricing.

I have more questions, but those are the ones I should probably ask first, and more importantly the dog issues. Any help is appreciated. My lease ends in March 2019, however, I'm thinking of breaking lease possibly November-Christmas and moving earlier.

See also

Real estate listingsAccommodation in PhuketAccommodation in ThailandBuying a property in ThailandAccommodation in Pattaya

You're 21 years old, so the first thing you need to sort out is what type of visa you will need. You can only come into the country for 30 days visa-free, then you have to leave or apply for a 30 day extension. You get 1 extension, then you will have to leave the country. I don't know if you can keep doing this over and over. Others on forum may be able to give advice on your visa options, but you are not supposed to be able to work here without a work permit. You may be able to get away with working virtual as long as the monies are deposited in US bank and then withdrawn here via ATM.

Before getting into all the other questions, try and sort out your visa situation first. If you can't resolve your visa situation, then the rest of the questions are pointless.


Dear ColeB97 11 July 2018 17:19:29

I just thought about something that may help. There are numerous travel agencies in Thailand that provide visa runs for people who don't qualify for long-stay visas. That is probably your best option being that you are age 21. You can google it and send them an email for prices and the rules.

As for the other questions, I will give my 2 cents;
1)  You will be entering the country as a tourist, so bringing a dog is probably not an option.
2) Renting an apartment, condo or house/villa is easy, once you get in town at hotel, you can look around until you find something, there are plenty of real estate agents & agencies to help. My advice is not to pay any deposit until you're ready to move in. Deposits are usually not refundable if you change your mind. It's not like the US where they have to give your deposit back.
3) I would suggest Pattaya if you want to be near the water and the nightlife, it's less than 2 hrs to Bangkok & airport. It has good infrastructure & internet and easy to get around with the Baht trucks, taxis & scooters, so you don't need a vehicle. They have taxis or shuttle vans to Bangkok & to airport. If you want to go to the islands, you can find flights for as little as $50 to Phuket, Koh Samui or Krabi. You can find furnished studio condos in Jomtien, Pattaya right on or near the beach for $500 to $700 per mth. And, you can get by easily with only English in Pattaya. It's up to you, but for a single man, you may find Phuket a little boring in low season & too touristy in high season. I stayed in Jomtien, Pattaya right on the beach for 6 mths but got bored even there, so I moved to Bangkok. If you are living out of a suitcase it's easy to move around. If I was you, I would spend a few months in each place; Chiang Rai, Chiang Mai, Bangkok, Pattaya, Hua Hin, Koh Samui, Krabi and Phuket then decide where to stay longer-term...

Good luck... just my 2 cents for a 21 year-old single American male moving from big city Dallas, TX...