
Vulnerability is the Birthplace of Everything we are Hungry for


Someone who cannot reveal themselves, cannot love. And someone who cannot love is the most unhappy person of all.

One of the most beautiful qualities of a true relationship is to understand and to be understood. Owning our story can be hard, but not nearly as difficult as spending our lives running from it. Embracing our vulnerabilities is risky, but nearly as dangerous as giving up on love, belonging, joy, and the experiences that make us the most vulnerable. Only when we are brave enough to explore the darkness, will we discover the infinite power of our light. I cannot get courage without walking through vulnerability. It's the birthplace of everything we are hungry for; love, belonging, joy, courage, empathy, accountability, and authenticity.

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Only when we are brave enough to explore the darkness, will we discover the infinite power of our light.

You're partially right, however, it depends upon what you love and who you love. I have seen numerous courageous people losing their personalities with a staunch rejection from the persons or the things they had loved crazily.
To me, it's your internal strength to love yourself, regardless of whatever the circumstances around. A man is the best judge for himself, considering this, analyze your scenarios and be smart enough to overcome hurdles and hatred that may be towards yourself.


schaz wrote:

Only when we are brave enough to explore the darkness, will we discover the infinite power of our light.

You're partially right, however, it depends upon what you love and who you love. I have seen numerous courageous people losing their personalities with a staunch rejection from the persons or the things they had loved crazily.
To me, it's your internal strength to love yourself, regardless of whatever the circumstances around. A man is the best judge for himself, considering this, analyze your scenarios and be smart enough to overcome hurdles and hatred that may be towards yourself.

To be vulnerable with someone is to break all boundaries that might get between yourself and them. It's not about finding validation, rather it is to show our human aspects in more real and honest way.


Vulnerability defines the person's weak character and when a normality is subtracted from a normal behaviour, none can expect perfectness in anything be it love, affection, attitude or whatsoever. A person's behaviour reflects his or her past/present. Some people get over these while some can't!!!!


schaz wrote:

Vulnerability defines the person's weak character and when a normality is subtracted from a normal behaviour, none can expect perfectness in anything be it love, affection, attitude or whatsoever. A person's behaviour reflects his or her past/present. Some people get over these while some can't!!!!

I respectfully disagree. Weak character is a result of someone's life experiences. We all need to be vulnerable sometimes, otherwise, we will never be able to communicate with each other.


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My friend
If you want to make a person trustworthy you have to trust them in the first place and that's where you become vulnerable. This was just and example. Every person we meet in our daily life teaches us lessons which we sometimes pay attention to and most of the time not. We only pay attention to those lesson which are important for us which excites us in a good way and yet we call them an experience post disappointment.


We all need to be vulnerable sometimes

Do you know what *Vulnerable* means? That means a person who is in a condition where he or she has a possibility of being harmed by someone. How do you expect that we all need to be vulnerable at stages?   That doesn't really make much of the sense. While respecting your comments, I would certainly like you to elaborate what is actually meant here. What I assume from the statement of yours is, that we need to be cared for and loved at a point of life when a human may feel or suffer loneliness.  But being vulnerable doesn't relate to it :) My reply to it would be, that such people need to be emotionally strong enough to face the dual faced world and people. You have to have a self-confidence that should lead you towards a bright success that is not dependable on anyone or anything.

Trust that would suffice  :cool:


my dear friend, you are talking about success and success greedy people (success in terns of money) have to be emotionally strong to overcome all possibilities. However my friend what you call a success? how do you define success? to which a family person may call a failure. Success doesn't mean buying a 20 rooms villa, success doesn't mean staying away from family and loved ones to fulfill their wishes, success doesn't mean spending 30 days with your kids from 365 days and fooling them with those expensive gifts, success doesn't mean aiming for lavish life. Success is to be with your parents when they need you the most, success is when you walk with your better half hand in hand, success is what you see your kids growing and achieving. Money comes and goes. People those who run for success are the most vulnerable on earth. Reason is a family man may not be emotionally strong but he may be emotionally stable. But a success greedy is never stable nor satisfied with whatever they have and believe me they are the most vulnerable.