
how to have minneapolis phone number when in manila


i want have minneapolis phone number, so i can subscribe to minneapolis cable, such as at&t u verse, tv over internet, direct tv from minneapolis over internet, or comcast tv over internet.

without local phone number its inpossible, get us cable from home town over internet.

there is ab2tv from los angles,$99 dollars month and habutv of new york, also $99 dollars month, both have time warner cable.

See also

Phones and Internet in the PhilippinesUSA SIM Card, ManilaBringing personal mobile phones and currency into PHCell service questionsBuying satellite watch whatever

Welcome on mychichi :)

Is this mild advertising or you are seeking information about the above mentioned company? I am afraid that I wrongly interpreted your message. Could you please rephrase.



Get a Magic Jack or Vonage....there are so many voip companies now and you can take this number wherever you are


Before we left the states we went to Radio Shack and purchased a magicJack+ - set it up with the local area code and phone number.  Once we settled in Metro Manila and had an Internet connection we can call home any time - and it's inexpensive ! ! !


Hello easyrider,

Thank you for this useful information. :)

just to inform you that this is an old discussion.


If you do not already know, you can get a magicjack at walmart in the USA and select the number you want including area code. Also all call to the US from PI are free...