

suhel sayyad

Hello Sir i am Suhel Sayyad From india and looking for a job in Oman . My uncle lives in oman and he is now Citizen of oman he has his own House business there in oman. Recently in November 2017 i sended my all document to my uncle lives in oman bec of his work he can't get time to apply for my Visa . My uncle saw job for me There is one friend of my uncle who own a company of Marbles and tiles Then suddenly new rule came Visa ban for 87 profession for 6 month. My uncle tolds me that his friend owner of that company too waiting for the removal of visa ban bec he need employes there in his company is there any other way to get visa and to start work in his company any other category visa so i can go there and work ,seriously i went through a lot bec i am in neede of job so urgently so my uncle told just wait for 6 month the ban will be end so i waithed till may 27 and the new update came from RPO (ROYAL POLICE OF OMAN) the visa ban extended for more 6 month from 30 july it started now i am seriously in depression bec i waited long enough now again 6 month .. what should i do is there any other way or chances to get a job or visa to work their in oman .. how can i get there any idea to get visa . Or any other option for applying visa for oman what should i do my mind is not working now and i am totally in depression now i needed that job seriously ..

Please help me from all this what should i do suggest me all the detail and ideas for it .

Thanking you
Suhel Sayyad

See also

General visa requirements for OmanHow to get passport and visa for a newborn in OmanI lost my Oman visaVisa cancellationGamca unfit
suhel sayyad

Seriously no one want to help me ? you guyz too :(


Hi suhel sayyad,

You are saying that your uncle is a 'citizen' of the Sultanate. there should be no problem in him bringing you over, if he wishes to.

There are always ways and means by which one can be sponsored. I cannot say anything more here, in this public forum.

suhel sayyad

Yes as like i said he is the citizen of Oman but goverment stop issusing the visa in different profession   Would u forward me your Personal email  soo our conversation will be in privacy ... Needed more help can't get my answer still ?

Sir i really want to know one thing I am a Diploma Civil Holder what kind of Visa i will get if i apply for visa .. i know i would not get an Engineering Visa nd also know that there is not such thing like engineering visa ... but my uncle told me every time that he will get me Engineering visa .. seriously i am tired of telling him make him understand there is not such things like engineering visa ...

Please help me on 2 things ...

1) I am Diploma Civil Holder What kind of visa or what category i will get my Visa on the basic of Diploma Civil Engineering ..

2) Is there any Chance or idea to get in there in oman i am Diploma holder and the Ban is issued on 87 profession counting Engineering,IT,Sales,Immigration etc did diploma holder too comes in this category or not ? If not then then which visa is suitable for me ?

I know i am asking you a lot question sorry fore that Heartly sorry ...

Waiting for your reply


Hi suhel sayyad,

There is another simpler way of looking at your issue ...

First find yourself a job that you think matches your qualifications. Then when the employer applies for your employment visa, you would know if you will be issued with one or not.