Luang Prabang
Hello everyone in that beautiful, tranquil, lush green town. Greetings from London.
I feel a bit of a fraud on this site because I'm not an ex pat and although I plan to return to LP for the entire month of October - I was there for six days last year - being an octogenarian I don't propose to move there permanently. Folks, my purpose on this forum is, as a returning visitor, to pick your brains on two counts, as follows:-
Firstly, whilst my mission is largely to do voluntary work, off duty I'm a great people-watcher but during my last sojourn (a) nowhere in the streets could I find even one bench upon which to leisurely sit and observe life going by - grrrrrrrrrr! (b) apart from the Botanical Gardens, neither could I find WITHIN the town any green grass p a r k s featuring trees plus, essentially, seats via which to relax and indulge as described.... Could someone please give me a list of such places but, repeat, IN THE TOWN ITSELF or a short tuk-tuk ride from the Bamboo Bridge area? I have partial mobility problems so I don't want to venture OUTSIDE the town. I long for such verdant havens of rest... [I've enquired via the local tourist office but received no reply.]
Secondly, I'm lucky that despite a heart condition and the above-mentioned difficulty I'm relatively healthy though I don't exactly rush around of course. What worries me greatly is that, I gather, medical facilities are virtually non existent in Luang Prabang. Can anyone disabuse me of that notion and, if so, fully detail hospital names and addresses along with telephone numbers? Should an emergency occur I'd like to be primed with info as to where precisely I could seek help in such circumstances. (Naturally I have travel insurance.)
Thanks in anticipation of enlightening responses .
David Hughes
PS I arrive on October the 2nd - is it likely that the Bamboo Bridge will be restored by then, or not? Also, can I pay in U.S. dollars to walk across? If so, how much? Or is only kip payment allowed? Cost? One more thing. As an alternative, what would it cost in dollars via tuk-tuk and how long would the journey take to cross the river by that motorised method? I'd be starting out from the Post Office area in Ssavangvong Road, my ultimate destination about half a mile the other side of that bridge.
Feel free to reply to me c/o ***
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Hi David Hughes,
Welcome to!
Thank you for this introduction.
Whoops. Sorry. Can you on my behalf please remove the email address from the message? Thanks.
Hi David,
'Fraid I do not have a lot of time to relax, so I'm not too hot on the easy areas to sit. I have sat on the Mt Phousi side of the night market, There is a terrace with some short walls that I sat on, but it's a good sport to watch the world go by! On the road by Nam Khan river there is of course a wall which a lot of people sit and hang out on.
On the hospital side, Luang Prabang is not good. If you have an incident of any note, at worst you would want to get to Vientiane or ideally Thailand, especially Bangkok. It's late here, so I'll check out with my gf the best hospital to use for an emergency, but please be aware it will not be close to Western standards.
You'll be close with the Bamboo bridge during October. I'll check with my gf when they normally try to do it.
Best Wishes,
And be sure to change your dollars here. The street vendors will give you a far better rate. And as you know at the airport the visa fee is best paid in dollars.
Hello Alastair
How nice of you to reply. Thanks. I look forward to hearing from you further when you have the time.
Hi Saucebox and welcome to the forum.
You should consider the Alliance International Medical Centre in Vientiane.
Website They are allied with hospitals in Nong Khai, Udon Thani and Bangkok Thailand
There are good hospitals across the border in Chiang Mai.
Hope this helps.
Thanks very much. Appreciated. Best etc
You would think when the bridge will be rebuilt is a pretty simple question, but again this has reminded me, this is Laos. So my gf who lived here for 8 years and her grandmother's family who she sees almost every day now and has lived here for 70 years, can't answer this question!!! They had to ask around and think it may be November. Possibly a little earlier, so maybe for the back end of your stay.
I've never been over it, but I think it's 2,000 Kip for Laos and 5,000 for Farang. At least it was last year.
As noted before and as you saw last year, there's an absence of benches here, but I will keep my eyes posted a little more when out and about! Alas, no 'parks' as we know it in the centre of LP :-( Only the clamber up Mt Phousi.
I doubt the bamboo bridge will be rebuilt by end of Oct. It cost as i recall 5000 kip for a roundtrip to walk across. It probably cost about 20 -30,000 Kip to get a ride.. though drivers may hike the price if they smell a good leathered wallet. I moved my stuff in a tuk tuk across town a month ago and it cost me 40,000.
There are a couple of good people watching benches along the night market street.. though you are correct, few exist. If you need more info i can check the on the actual locatations for you. The park at the end of the peninsula has several nice benches to view the water and plants/flowers. I enjoy sitting there often. It will not present an access issue for you.
Regarding medical issues, the local expat facebook site is a common source of info. If problems presented are serious, it is best to go over to bangkok, or further. Yet, there is some expertise locally in the form of expats (for example i have a friend moving here next month who is a critical care RN from the US) as well as visiting volunteers at hospitals that should be well familiar with protocols and triage to help you decide.
Hollar when you arrive... or b4 as needed
Hello Bruce
How very kind of you to send me such a fulsome reply. Thanks. Appreciated. MOST helpful.
It's a pain to hear that the Bamboo Bridge won't be open during my return visit thus necessitating a tuk-tuk alternative but hey ho and all that.
Your medical information is especially interesting - and at the same time more than worrying. Most of the time I get around fine, no need of a walking stick; however, last time over there I had a pole-axing sciatica attack and to say that it presented difficulties is an understatement - an on-going pain in the proverbial that prevailed locally and all the way back to London. It greatly blighted my intended activities and presented huge problems at the airports as in addition to Luang Prabang I was travelling to Vientiane and Nha Trang too. Back to my return visit. On the hospital front it's just that I have to keep in mind my great age and heart condition and the fact that I'm sojourning solo... I tend to panick in emergencies though for the last few months I've not had any angina incidents at all and I used to have them every two months, almost on the dot. Seven stents stabilise the problem. Enough. I shouldn't be burdening you with these things. It's just handy to know - thanks again - what the local scenario is if and when help might be needed. I confess to being particularly alert to the news about your American nurse friend and his expertise/advice should a 'situation' arise...
It's maddening this site doesn't allow the inclusion of email addresses because that would make communication easier. I'd love to shake your hand early durng my stay and buy you a drink (though I'm a very poor boozer indeed let it be said). I came across the expensive but uniquely delightful Ikon Klub in LP so maybe I'll see you there one evening. I'm staying at the Sayo Naga guest house in Ssavangvong Road btw. Do leave me a message at the latter place if inclined.
My main purpose in spending a whole month in the town (if I havent kicked the bucket by then I'm due to arrive on October 2nd) is to divide my time between helping out in English-language conversational classes both at Big Brother Mouse and the LEOT School. I'm not a teacher, I simply assist etc. I find it a tremendous privilege to do so as I've come to love those endearing, sweet-natured scholars who are SO keen to learn. To make a contribution to their young lives is an immense honour. I plan to spend every other afernoon at the school and most every morning and evening at BBM. For the 'rest' of the time I simply (repeat) want to sit and watch the world go by. Damn disappointing about the paucity of park and bench provision though, the one blot on that otherwise utterly enchanting location.... I'm not one for dashing about, though I'm not unadventurous either. It will amuse you to learn that I've especially bought a collapsible/portable folding canvas chair to bring with me via which to 'assist' my desire to occasionally linger awhile in the open air during my extended 'project'. As the late Quenten Crisp often advised, "Swim with the tide only faster!" Quite so Mr C.
Apologies for the length of my witterings.
Typo in the despatch I sent you a few minutes ago, viz I should have said "panic". (Spelling correction.)
PS Just to conclude by 'inflicting' on you a terrible self-made joke (I love wordplay): last November I had a row with one of the drivers of those three-wheeled vehicles: he was late arriving to collect me and I expostulated, "What tuk-tuk you long?"
Hello Alastair
I'm remiss and tardy in replying to your recent note - I've only just seen it as it must have missed my Inbox. My apologies. Thanks for your latest info.
To show my gratitude, a terrible self-made joke: Iast November I had a row with the driver of one of those three-wheeler vehicles over there because he was late picking me up. I expostulated, "What tuk-tuk you long?!"
All good info. I have some ideas that i think will assist you and your concerns. I do not know what info you see through this site's blog about reaching me... but inst. message me via messenger or message me directly via facebook and we can share contact info plus i can blab a little more. Just search my name on fb and i will accept the friend request to get us started.
Bruce Tribken
Thanks Bruce. My name's David btw.
The problem is that I'm a mega technophobe and can't 'cope' with such apps unfortunately. For example, I've lived in my present tiny rented flat for eight years and haven't once been able to use the vcr/dvd equipment becuase of the aforementioned 'barrier' and I've nobody on whom to call to assist me overcome the sitiation, therefore I just shrug my shoulders and live with the problem. Pathetic i agree. Techno overload I'm afraid.
Incidentally, the moderator on this site chastised me for originally including my email address so of course I had to obey Brown Owl and remove it.
Email me .... ***
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Hi David,
The Bamboo bridge build time is dependent on the weather, but my gf like Bruce thinks some time in November is most likely. At the moment we have had a lot of rain, so the Nam Khan is really unusually high, so if this continues, it won't be early. We'll try and go by there in a couple of weeks and see when they're thinking it may go up.
Cheers and happy trip planning!
Hi David,
We did go by there last night and they actually have a boat service running through the day. It did say in English that it's free, which would be surprising when I think the bridge on foot was 5000Kip, but ya never know!
Hello Alastair
Thanks v much for this most interesting news. As I have intermittent walking difficulties plus the prospect of daily tuk-tuk river crossing 'expense' (which over the month will eat into my budget*) it's especially welcome info.
Incidentally - forgive me if I've asked you these questions previously, I can't remember - as I much prefer not to draw any l o c a l currency at all from the airport ATM on arrival if I can avoid it, whilst I realize restaurants will be ok accepting U.S. dollar payment what about tuk-tuk drivers - will ALL of them happily accept payment in dollars or strictly kip only...? How about paying for drinks in bars, especially the Ikon Klub, will THEY accept dollars or, again, must I pay only in kip? Finally, what's the situation with taxi drivers? When you have a mo I'd appreciate clarification on these triple points please.
Kind regards
*Even my budget's got a budget!
Hi David,
Well, I have to say that I pay everywhere in KIP. If you have dollars, then change them at a currency booth in town. You'll get a notably better rate than any restaurant or hotel or shop in town, then just pay in KIP. The currency booth rates are notably better than even the interbank rate.
I have a dollar account here at a couple of banks so I can easily move money here and I never pay anywhere in actual dollars. Much more expensive.
Any questions please feel free to ask and if you're idle and want a chat one day, my gf is just starting a restaurant/cafe on the Mekong river road. I'd be delighted to see you there for a coffee/tea/beer or whatever and it's actually a nice people watching spot too!! Just don't come in the morning!!! I work till 5AM on the internet with the US, so I don't get up and active till the afternoon!
Hello Alastair
Thanks once more for sharing your helpful local knowledge. Appreciated.
What's the name and road/street location of your gf's café (and opening hours) and her first name? I might well pop in and meet you both. (I'll make sure I have kip on me rather than dollars!)
You could advertise your GF's cafe / bar in the business directory located under Services top of this page. Also a picture or 2 in the Community section as well.
Hi David,
It'd be great to talk some with a fellow Brit!! I am still discussing with my gf when she should open, but as i said we are on the River right in the prime area. Probably best to see where we are from the website where it has the location
Hope you have a great time while you're over and as soon as I hear when the bridge is going to be built, I'll let you know.
As you know well, planning for holidays is the most fun!!
stumpy wrote:@Alastair3
You could advertise your GF's cafe / bar in the business directory located under Services top of this page. Also a picture or 2 in the Community section as well.
Thanks Stumpy, that's good to know. I've only been bothering with the DIY stuff so far and leaving the Restaurant side to her. I'll definitely get it up there. It'd be nice to have any expats drop by, even if it's only to chat. It's been all work, so I'll be happy once she starts and I only have my job to worry about :-)
Much appreciated,
How about a blog? found under Community.
stumpy wrote:How about a blog? found under Community.
I'll have to check that out now that I hope to have a little spare time - Thanks!!
You asked about accepting dollars rather than Kip. Please bear in mind that the official currency is Kip, not Baht or USD. People should make every effort to pay in Kip; it is government policy and it is the right thing to do. Some restaurants will accept other currencies. I don't know if tut tuk or songthaew drivers would. Larger tourist hotels will accept Baht or dollars. However it is not too onerous to change money into Kip and to do the right thing.
Hi David,
Sincere apologies for the delay in responding. It's been a busy few weeks with my online work and trying to help my gf with her restaurant and I hadn't checked my messages. I hope you're having a great time in Luang Prabang? I hope the weather has not been too hot! It is a little untypical.
It'd be great to see you. Last year in VV, I had no-one to talk in English to, so this year I'm always happy to have that chance :-)
Best WIshes,
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