Multiple Languages

It is said that learning and speaking multiple languages can prevent you from getting Alzheimer when you grow older. However, if you learn a language, and you do not use it then you lose it. What do you can be done regarding that?

Mariam Mohammadieh wrote:

It is said that learning and speaking multiple languages can prevent you from getting Alzheimer when you grow older. However, if you learn a language, and you do not use it then you lose it. What do you can be done regarding that?

It is believed that learning multiple language stimulates brain activity ....... may be that's why learning / speaking multiple is being referred to. I think you can't retain a language unless you practice it regularly ..... best way IMO would be to make some native friends and try language exchange regularly ....... I believe that should help ..that's what I am planning to do here in Amman to learn some Arabic .... !

There is also one study I stumbled upon years ago about how people change when they use a different language. Like, they have a change of personality or totally change as a person when they try and use a different language. Well, I find it amusing because I myself speak couple of languages. Furthermore, a way how I can preserve it is by having different friend groups that I can talk to. It can be daily or weekly, but at least I can get to practice that certain language.

I think language is the culture itself, in order to learn a language, we must know how the culture is running..


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