
looking for a job in Prague for Filipinos


Hi All,

Good day!

I am Patrice, a Filipino but is currently based in Dubai because of work.

Can someone please help me find a job in Czech? I want to move there.

I tried applying online early this year until now but no one seems to hire me because I am not eligible.

Please help me. Thanks.

See also

Working in PragueThe work culture in PragueThe labour market in PragueWork in the Czech RepublicInternship in the Czech Republic

If you are not eligible as you say then it would seem impossible for you to find work there.
Is there a reason for your ineligibility?


Hi Stumpy,

My apologies for the delay in my reply. I am not eligible to work there because I don't have the documents to work there. First, I need an employer who is willing to hire me so that I can work there. But the problem is, it is so difficult. That's why I'm in need of help.


Sorry to seem negative but if you do not have the required documents then it would seem to be impossible for a prospective employer to give you a job as they will need documentation for the application process.


Hi Stumpy,

The documents I mean is either a work permit or work visa. My concern is, how will I get it if I need an employer to process it for me?


Your prospective employer is the one who organizes the visas and permits for you and covers the cost.

Perhaps the difficulty in finding a job is linked to lack of qualifications and experience by you.  The job market is geared towards locals and unless you have a unique skill set that locals cannot provide then finding work is impossible.


It’s hard to tell. Because a lot of employers called me many times. And when they found out I have no documents, they informed me that they are sorry, they cannot process the visa :/


If you have no formal qualifications or certificates which they need to be able to process your visa then it is impossible for you to find a job.


I have. I have everything. They just won’t proceed with the process once they know I have no work permit there. It’s really complicated you know. But I am not losing hope. I want to be in the Czech Republic.