Looking for new friends

My name is David
I come from Albania and i live in Plovdiv for 8 months.
I speak English, Greek
Looking for new friends

Tomorrow at 7 pm there'll be a social for English speakers at Terzo Mondo in Kapana, and everyone is welcome.

ok thanks for info :)

Doesn't seem to be much happening in this forum. But I'll give it a try!

I am a Norwegian male moving to Plovdiv in March 2023. I am trying to learn the language, I am not very good at it so far. I am looking for friends and connections.

I am NOT looking for people that want to sell me things, or offer me cheap stuff. I don't need any services to settle here. All I need is people. :)

@Lars Norberg hello Lars. Don't know if you are on Facebook, there are many expats group on Facebook and people would love to connect, hang out, go hiking etc. You will certainly have better chance there 😁