
landlords in Cambodia


I rent a flat on street 108, close to the old market. nr43/44 to be exact. I had building noise for
more than 4 month so I asked for some compensation on the rental price of $725.
the answer was so shamefull, landlords think they’re kings here in this country. you’re not
a customer, but a cow they milk. I only asked for $100 a month, that’s no big deal.
if my contract had not been on a yearly basis, I would have walked out instantly.
so be warned for this landlady!!

See also

Real estate listingsBuying a property in CambodiaAccommodation in CambodiaAccommodation in SihanoukvilleAccommodation in Phnom Penh


First you don't mention where this happened, PP, SR, SHV?

Second you generalize all landlords in Cambodia with your title.

Believe me, most landlords are very friendly and willing to accommodate their tenants needs.
Just construction noise is not their responsibility and they are for sure not obliged to lower the rent and take the financial disadvantage on top of the noise they experience as much as you do.

When you looked for an apartment you should have looked around for construction sites or empty land plots that could become a construction site.

If your landlord is causing the construction noise he could have warned you, but then he might have lost a tenant, so what can you expect?

Live and let live, the noise will end one day, if you can't stand it break up your rental agreement and lose your deposit.

Good luck.

Cambodia expert team


As you are aware, in the world, things are the same.  But, here in Cambodia, worse cases are more than good cases, very sorry to say.

If I were you,  I would immediately start finding out a new place and move myself to there.

Trying to convince somebody in Cambodia, mostly, is wasting the time.

Good luck !!


Who cares any contract in Cambodia ? just leave and lose your deposit. Or just accept it !


Quite right !!


Well I have had three landlords the kindest people , construction and if this is Phnom Penh , then there is and will be always construction, 700+ a month this needs to be a extremely nice place for that price I assume it’s a complete large home , if not leave now and you can find a much more reasonable rate, of course I don’t know how many people you house, 300-500 for anything nice in Phnom Penh , I live by the riverside beautiful place next to the royal palace , hard wood floors maid cook , cable, WiFi 400, and I only paid that because it’s location and how nice it is, shop around , and as jo says if next door is building then it’s not her problem, or her concern, my humble suggestions are be very kind to them and they will be in return, I rarely if ever hear of a dishonest landlord , find a nice agent  pm me I go with a guy as jo does and many others that advertise on this site , he really looks out for his renters , and can find you a nice place, I don’t know your taste but if your paying 700+ a month then I agree you should have everything, pool , gym three bedrooms if you don’t , then you overpaid , cut your losses and leave


Please do not generalize the issue.   You are a good luck person.

In my experience,  one of my past landlord,  all of sudden, she sold her property to other people with leaving so many problems for the tenants at the riverside.

You can proud of yourself as a good fortuned person.   

That does not lead that most of the landlords in Cambodia are good.

Thanks for reading.


I strongly disagree I would say most landlords are honest , but you need to set clear you ground rules before signing a year lease, these bad things do happen I acknowledge this but most are not this way ,I would say 90+ % are honest , I personally think you overpaid , but this is just mt opinion, no disrespect, I first arrived and she asked 600 so like a idiot I payed it , not knowing that 600 means 400 here negotiation is the key to renting in Phnom Penh , having a few months up front even better , but I really suggest you contact jo he knows the same man we all deal with , and I think maybe you will value his opinion more , no hard feelings , jo khmer , I would contact him he will be able to help you and I think your , thinking I’m a lucky man , so I may not be the one to take advice from , best of luck , sorry for this problem your having , I think we all had issues when we arrived , but you will fiqued it out , co tracts are signed on a honer system when renting there is no recourse except to take your deposit, so I would not worry about walking out , but if she sees your leaving , she might negotiate? Best of luck to you , but I’m not so lucky i too have learned many lessons the hard way also , your not alone


Last but not least Phnom Penh is a renters market , way more rentals than there are people who want them negotiate hard


The reason I posted my opinions several times is from my experience.

I do not want,  Mr.Jo's comment will lead other people to misunderstand the situation.

Since I am doing small business in Cambodia,  I also got cheated by Westerners and other nationalities.

This is the same things all over the world,  There are good people and bad people.

I am sorry to quote one of my experiences for my apartment.

I rented the house near Aeon 1.  In one midnight, all of sudden,  one of the relatives of the landlord came to my room and started dancing with my kitchen knife.   I felt very scared and I told the landlord to leave the apt by showing the movie of the Knife dancing.  Of course, I demanded her to return my deposit.  The landlord told me that she could not believe it.  She needed to see it with her own eyes. 
I left the apt shortly and lost my deposit.

Please kindly remind that there was genocide in Cambodia.   There are DNA,

We need to pay more extra attention if we want to survive in this country.

Thanks for reading.


Well yes I will reply to that , first of all the “ bad DNA is pure bs “ if I felt the way you did I would be out on the first plane, bus or train , but to say the khmer people or even some of them have bad DNA. Is ludicrous,  i think if we all looked back at our own DNA.  There might be a problem with all of us if that’s the criteria for being good or bad, I could not disagree with you more


The atrocities that the USA did to japan using atomic weapons on innocent people , and some of the things you Japanese did , well if it’s DNA we are both screwed


I will give my 2 cents worth.  I agree with all that say you are overpaying firstly. A really nice apartment in nice area should be 400, 500$ tops for luxury.  A two bedroom western standard maybe 300$.  Be careful of some agents as they are like auto sales, as they will take you to the top of budget.  I have found two western apartments on a budget easily.  Check khmer24 website just for reference, and figure it is 20% overpriced.

construction noise is automatic, and you should ask andd have added to contract.  If you live near bars or river, remember, all buildings added onto or rebuilt often. Nature of the beast.  I try to stay a little further away, as a passapp taxi is only 2-3$ to go most anywhere.

If you are looking for luxury, try some of the highrise near aeon 1, as most are only 50% rented.  Just tell them you want local price. Tell them you live here long time.  If you want quiet and nice nieghbors, go to boreys or walk around town like me and find diamond in a rough.  I found one nice apartment i did not rent just talking to a local doctor at dinner one day. He said his brother had one empty for 6 months. Just not area i personally wanted.  But it was full floor flat, 2 br, 2 bath, mostly furnished, only 280$.

I like Toul Kork area as it is quiet, more local food at local prices, close to aeon supermax, and thai hout markets.  No grm or pool, but close to places with...  And apartments openalways  up.  Not luxury area , but the people are nice, talk to you on street. Still get a good haircut abd shave for 3$ too. People in area remember exactly what i order for breakfast, cheers. I dont like living next to bars or above construction either.

One other thing, landlords are strict about how many visitors a foriegner has here. Locals not so much. This is because visitors can mean trouble.  If you sign contract for you alone , no addendum of visitors, landlord has right give you notice and keep deposit. I always tell them i have someone and introduce so they know they are not thief.

Street 108, you mentioned.  Dont know where you are, but be aware that even tjough the building may be very nice, you must look at the area. Best thing i did when moving here was stay in a short term one month first. Visited night and day to areas i liked.

Finally, rental contracts are very basic here. If you leave early, you forfiet all.  No law will enforce.  I find most landlords friendly, but set standard before move in.  Inspect apartment, insist on what you need.  In my case, my first apartment, I asked for what ad on internet showed, bigger frefrigerator and washing machine, the landlord said one week. I left 100$ to guarantee apartment and started when apartment was clean .  My landlord loved me because i spoke english to kids and paid on time.