
anyone did 2nd Application of JSV before?


I finished the first JSV and returned home to apply for the next one.
Yes, you need to be back for a same period before allowed on the next one.
I was asked by the German Embassy to produce Confirmation Letter on Letterhead from the Employers whom i had interviews with (which i did not get to final Job offer of course) while in Germany.

This was never stated as Part of the requirements, I have read.
And i had Printed the emails of interview Konfirmation from These companies, but the Embassy did not accept, saying they need to be on Company Letter heads, that says I ATTENDED the Interviews there.

This is a weird request. An Interviewer Said, why should she do that? and she already emailed me that i did not get into next round.

It seems the Embassy is not working within Professional Grounds. Look, I am not from a third world Country and speak good English, even invested 2 months of intensive Deutsch study while in Germany during Job Seeker visa. I was told as JSV, you should be looking for a Job, not study German. And If you want to study German, you need to go on German Language visa.

Dös anyone has any such weird expereince ? As it is making me alot of difficulties, i even lost an interview, because i could not go back to attend it due to this JSV visa not approved yet. The Embassy has been playing me around for 1 over month.

your Sunshine789

See also

The Working Holiday Visa for GermanyWork visas for GermanyBecoming an ExpatResident VisaA new digital portal to apply for a German visa.

Not weird at all. They want to know that people are seriously looking for a job according to the rules. Of course it makes sense for them to verify that interviews happened rather than just appointments were made. This should not be any big trouble for a company that gave you an interview. That such things would be put on a document with an official letterhead is also standard, even if it is an electronic document. This makes it harder for people to commit fraud. You simply have to tell the company that the government officials need this to verify your compliance. They should be able to send a short confirmation of the appointment as an attachment rather than just email text.

And while anyone will agree that the better your German, the better your chances BUT they recognize that one cannot claim that they used their time optimally looking for a job if they spent half of their time doing courses. I don't see anything unusual with any of the expectations the officials have. It doesn't really help to second guess them and try to rationalize how and why they should do things, the focus should be on doing what’s required. And getting multiple JSV is not normal. The attitude is that one should give 100% effort and then you had your chance. Why should it work on a second attempt if it didn't on the initial one - unless one has does some concrete things to increase your chances? This could mean further work experience or training. But just trying again a short time later without having done anything new sounds like a waste of time.


I agree with Tom:
The embassy is in their rights to ask for proof that you actually looked for jobs (instead of abusin g the JSV for other purposes).
German buerocratic requirements are sometimes weird and difficult to fulfill as a foreigner, but what can you do?
A JSV is meant to be a one-time thing (I actually didn't know it is possible to get another onw) and since in your motivation letter you have to also mention a plan B for not finding a job in the given timeframe, you knew that this is a possibility.
I recommend you either submit the required documents (PM me if you need help with this), or you continue to apply for jobs from abroad - you can always travel to Germany on a visit visa to attend interviews.

Sunshine789 wrote:

Look, I am not from a third world Country and speak good English

This should not make a difference - we don't discriminate in Germany!


Hi Tommin, Beppi
Thanks for reply! It makes a lot of sense from what you wrote.
I was coming from my situation that I was given my first 6 months JSV, but I only end up being there for the last two months of it, due to some personal situation. But yes, I did agree your point if you spend first 6 months with no results... then it meant something be wrong like you said - why should it work a 2nd time.
Anyway I was lucky initially some german employers refused to give me these letters , after some email explanation followed up , they all did respond back to me.
I had successfully submitted my application... shall update all again


Sunshine789 wrote:

Hi Tommin, Beppi
Thanks for reply! It makes a lot of sense from what you wrote.
I was coming from my situation that I was given my first 6 months JSV, but I only end up being there for the last two months of it, due to some personal situation. But yes, I did agree your point if you spend first 6 months with no results... then it meant something be wrong like you said - why should it work a 2nd time.
Anyway I was lucky initially some german employers refused to give me these letters , after some email explanation followed up , they all did respond back to me.
I had successfully submitted my application... shall update all again

OK. Like mentioned, giving another JSV is not normal but contrary to what people might think, German officials do seem to give people some slack due to personal tragedies. I would apply again and expain the situation and hope for the best.


the big thing which no one answered will they give visa for second or not provided you attended interviews in real and take letters from on letter head that i attended . what are the chances of getting second jsv brighter or 50% . let us come to the fact which employer that too these days will give that you attended irrespective if you cross first second or final . i have been in Europe for 6 years and know their style hard to get 1 unless you prove you a worth shot of it . 

but getting second visa from your home country is what people look for so as embassy .

waiting for the real inputs .


NandaKishore: Unforunately your English is very difficult to understand.
I assume you are asking about the chance of getting a second JSV after the first expired and you did not find a suitable job during its validity?
In this case, I think, the chances are very low, as you are obviously not the kind of employee the German labour market needs. Trying longer will not change that!


i said in simple way , every one answering many questions but no one answering the exact  point  . are people are getting second  JSV .  that's the whole summary  of my message .

well beppi  learning german language and coming over there on JSV would be good idea or you still have low chances , because this is not the same 2005 market where economy flourish like anything .

what would you suggest to some one to take risk  or find some route . what are the chances of getting non IT jobs with B1 .

waiting  for your inputs .


You can read the many existing discussions on this forum containing good advice on job chances and how to search and apply.