
US expat end of life arrangements?


I don’t mean to get too dark here, but I have to ask. I tried searching the forum, as I always do, but couldn’t find anything.

I've been thinking about end of life arrangements (Wills, Power of attorney, Trusts, etc.) for those who may be planning to move to DR and live out the rest of their life there. Assuming dual US/DR citizenship has been achieved, is having these documents in the US only okay? Assuming you want to have your remains shipped back the US for burial, cremation, etc. would you need anything from a DR lawyer or would that be handled in the US paperwork? All of this is, of course, assuming you keep all your finances state-side and have no business interests in DR.

Thanks in advance!

See also

Citizenship in the Dominican RepublicTraveling to the Dominican RepublicRetiring in the Dominican RepublicGetting married in the Dominican RepublicDeath in the Dominican Republic

Good question that many need to look at and avoid.

The law here is territorial so legal paperwork in the USA is technically not valid here. 

It is inexpensive to get a will and make your arrangements and wishes known.  Make sure someone here knows who to contact if needed!

Estate laws are different here and need to be dealt with by those with property or investments, one of the reasons we suggest holding property in a corporation.


Does that need to be a Dominican Corporation or can it be a Canadian Corporation?


Dominican corporation honey


planner wrote:

Good question that many need to look at and avoid.

The law here is territorial so legal paperwork in the USA is technically not valid here. 

It is inexpensive to get a will and make your arrangements and wishes known.  Make sure someone here knows who to contact if needed!

Estate laws are different here and need to be dealt with by those with property or investments, one of the reasons we suggest holding property in a corporation.

Thank you planner - very helpful information as always!  :)

So many things to think about.

- Greg


You may also consider giving someone a limited power of attorney.  If something happens who can pay the bills, make medical decisions etc?

the tinker40

Or, have a friend with a boat & some dive weights.......... Feed the fishes, give back to the environment. Can you donate organs here?  A much better end & should not be a financial burden on anyone.  Do they honor living wills here?


And totally never going to happen.  Expats must have an autopsy by law and then remains are released to next of kin.


If you do become a  DR citizen,  dmust you still have an autopsy?


I believe you do not habe to if you are a citizen!


I know people who have pre-registered w/ Blandini...they cremate

You can set it all up the way you want...
I know this doesn't address the inheritance question, but it's an integral part of death....
Funeral Parlor arrangements

I lived away from my mother at the end and prearranged everything
The funeral home collected her body from the hospital, cremated her and waited for mt arrival.
All the paperwork done.... very neat & tidy

Easier not to leave a mess for the mourners if you do this... IMO


Hey Willie.  Anymore info on Blandini?  It might be helpful.  website, phone number...


Santo Domingo

good thing you asked -- Blandino
I had it wrong


I have been speaking with a woman at Blandino. They have several packages you can pre arrange and pay in advance if so inclined.