
Student life in Indonesia



Studying in a foreign country is an exciting prospect, but at times students do not have enough information to make an informed decision. We invite you to share your own experiences about studying abroad in Indonesia.

What are the advantages of studying in Indonesia? What are the disadvantages?

Are there proper housing options for students, or do most students have to find their own accommodation?

Are living costs for students in Indonesia expensive? What is an average budget for a student per month, including rent, groceries, and social activities?

Is it easy to form a social circle in Indonesia? What are some of the preferred social activities?

Are there international student societies or community engagement programs for international students?

Thank you for sharing your experience.


See also

Studying in BaliUniversity in JakartaStudy in IndonesiaStudent life in JakartaStudent life in Bali

Can’t help with Indonesian universities as many expats and Indonesians who I know or friends of friends send the kids away from Indonesia for university I’ve been told but no idea if true they is over 3000 universities in Indonesia, that to me if true is rediculous and would raise alarms bells to me on many fronts ,on the flip side I would imagine they are a few decent ones amongst them with certain topics

Hong Kong university appears to be popular with people I’ve met and colleges / further education in Malaysia, Singapore also seems a popular destination as to is the UK/ US
If prices here are an influential factor like international schools for under 18s I would imagine many go overseas for better quality and opportunity and cheaper
Then again you can only afford what your budget allows


Many students see an education out of Indonesia as good thing, right or wrong, that's how it is.
There is good news on the way as Indonesia has opened up the education sector to foreign universities, and that's very likely to mean massive improvements.
As things are at the moment, many of the best universities are partnered with foreign establishments, a young girl I know at UI informs me two years of her course will be in Australia.


That is good news for students, hopefully scholarships go to the right people and vital resources go back to Indonesia, otherwise more brain drain


Too many university  students go to university for a degree  just to say they have a degree.  I met one who told me exactly that.  Once she got her degree in psychology  she said, she is moving to Bali to work in the tourism business in a hotel, maybe.  I hear that a lot.   I also met an Indonesian student in California before I left and he told me his aunt lives Los Angeles and sponsored his educational visa but he said he had no intention of studying Architecture as he told her but wants to be a singer hahaha.


It’s similar in every country unfortunately, quite a few countries have had course reforms and rightly so, quite selfish really as many genuine students don’t get 1st, 2nd or 3rd choice of university or in extreme cases the topic of choice
I went back to the uk with my now wife and joined her in the none eu immigration line at passport control, we got took further up the line as she was pregnant, the amount of people “students “ who at the time being took away was unreal