Antwerp traffic - Eilandje or Zuid?

Hi all,

I would kindly ask for an advice on choosing the location where to live in the city.

Long story short - i got a job 45 min drive away from Antwerp; and i really want to live in the city. Problem is that my job is on the other side of Schelde, so i am choosing between Het Zuid and Het Eilandje - meaning - Kennedy tunel or N49a for crossing the river

Looking at Google maps, there is no much difference so i was leaning towards N49a, but today i had the "pleasure" of passing that route and got a feeling that it takes at least 15 more than Google maps predicted (i guess since no GPS signal, so the route appears traffic-free)

So, could someone please advise, which of the two evils is lesser?




The Antwerp Ring and everything inside it is just a mess; it has been like it since at least the 70's and hasn't ever gotten any better.  I don't think there is any lesser evil.  My advice would be to find somewhere where you can use public transport.