Short answer to your question is "yes" -- either way works. To be added to your wife's account will require you to have BOTH a CPF and a RNM, Registro Nacional Migratório, the registration number that a foreigner receives when her/his application for permanent residency has been accepted by the Federal Police. In the very BEST of circumstances, you won't have that for a week or two after your arrival, and longer is more likely. Your actual ID card,your CRNM, can take a couple of months, but once your application is accepted, you'll be given a document, a "Protocolo" that you can use as a temporary ID during the interim.
As you can see from the above, transferring the money from your joint account to your wife's account in her name will be quicker. The bank-to-bank transfer itself only takes a day or two -- we did it ourselves a few months ago, when we purchased our apartment. The Federal Police need to be advised in advance of large transfers coming from abroad to safeguard against money laundering, so it would be wise for your wife to contact her bank ahead of time to let them know how much money, from what source, and for what purpose, they should expect. The Brazilian bank should take care of notifying the appropriate authorities.
It sounds like you're planning on applying for permanent residency in Brazil. If so, you should obtain a VITEM XI visa, the temporary visa for family reunion, not a VIVIS (visitor) visa, or a VITUR, the old tourist visa that was eliminated in the legal reform last year, if you still have one and it's still valid, Getting the VITEM XI will give you a head start on the documentation you'll need to apply for permanent residency with the Federal Police when you get here -- check their website for the full documentation requirements -- and it's the visa they'll be looking for.
If you and your wife registered your marriage with the Brazilian Consulate, make sure that you have the "Certidão" that they gave you, and bring it: you'll need it to have your marriage transcribed into the official records in Brazil when you arrive. If you didn't, you should have it done before you leave.
One final point. US immigration law is much stricter in many areas than Brazilian immigration law. I hope that you and your wife are aware that she can lose her Green Card if she is out of the United States for more than six months in any calendar year. If you're buying property, that can be time-consuming, so just be aware that while the clock in Brazil is running on your request for permanent residency, the clock in the US is running on her Green Card.