
Spinal Stenosis/Buldging disc Help in HCM City, Vietnam



I recently travelled to Saigon from Australia. 1 week before the flight, I had some lower back pain, took a CT scan and was diagnosed with Spinal Stenosis/Bulding disc. The pain has been getting worse I start to feel some tingling sensations down my buttlocks and sometimes legs.

I went to a local vietnamese physiotherapy clinic but was not happy with the treatment/care I received here. Does anyone know any good medical/internation medical center here in HCM city that could resolve this issue? I'm wondering whether I should go to a Chiropractor or Physiotherapist.

Hope someone could give me some help! That would be much appreciated!

Thank you,


See also

The healthcare system in VietnamPregnancy in VietnamHealth insurance in VietnamAccidents and emergencies in VietnamMental health support

I have this issue in 3 spots. I use a device that can hang inverted. This decimpresses the vertabrae involved and allows the disk to go back in place.  For the pain when it happens I use acupuncture.


I would recommend you go to these guys at ACC. There is a Korean chiro working there he sorted out my disc problems well enough.


ronniboi wrote:


I recently travelled to Saigon from Australia. 1 week before the flight, I had some lower back pain, took a CT scan and was diagnosed with Spinal Stenosis/Bulding disc. The pain has been getting worse I start to feel some tingling sensations down my buttlocks and sometimes legs.

I went to a local vietnamese physiotherapy clinic but was not happy with the treatment/care I received here. Does anyone know any good medical/internation medical center here in HCM city that could resolve this issue? I'm wondering whether I should go to a Chiropractor or Physiotherapist.

Hope someone could give me some help! That would be much appreciated!

Thank you,


As a retired surgical Registered Nurse (California, USA) and a Licensed Certified Neuromuscular Massage Therapist (Tennessee, USA) specializing in pain management, I'll ask a question and give a provisional suggestion:

1. Did the diagnosing healthcare practitioner clear you for any activity other than getting a surgical consult? I'm not suggesting surgery (it can usually be avoided) but here you are shopping for care on the internet, ready to take the recommendations of strangers.

Best to see a surgeon and explain that you want to avoid surgery if at all possible. They usually like to avoid it too, unless you have unbearable and intractable pain with significant mobility limitations.

They will send you to someone (usually a physical therapist) who will determine what you should and shouldn't be doing.

At THAT point, if you want to shop around for therapies within those limitations, go for it.

2. Although I am really good at relieving pain through therapeutic bodywork, I always advised ALL of my clients to start practicing Yoga (Iyengar Yoga is best for those with mobility limitations) because if they did so faithfully, they usually stopped needing my help.


If you are even slightly overweight, especially in the belly, lose it now. Being overweight is just as much a diagnosis as spinal stenosis and bulging discs, but it points the responsibility back at you and not onto some future healthcare provider.

Also, sitting is the WORST position for your conditions, and sitting on a plane can cause terrible inflammation which won't necessarily show up on imaging, but it's likely still there nonetheless. So you might need temporary anti-inflammatory medication, and will probably benefit from ice therapy. Unless instructed to do so, avoid heat, because it can feel good, but it also can increase general edema (swelling) and perpetuate pain.

That will be $180.00 USD.

See the receptionist on the way out...


I have had Spinal Stenosis and Degenerative Disc for over 15 years and seen Specialists around the world. Best advise I got was in Singapore. Started Pilates exercise's, It helped in strengthening the core muscles. I will hold off on any surgery as a last result.