
Stuff to do in Rabat


Ahlan everyone. My daughter and I are planning a trip to Rabat over the winter holidays and she's planning to stay on until mid-February or so before starting grad school in Fall 2019. Can anybody refer us to some folks employed in the university or other libraries in Rabat where she can talk to them about their work in those settings? Similar to shadowing/following them around for an hour or so while go about their workday.  She'll only be there 6 weeks this time -- so not long enough for an internship I don't think. She'd like to do something similar at the US Embassy also. Thanks a bunch.

See also

Living in Morocco: the expat guideDarija to English translationAny expats in Tetouan?Anyone living in Taza?Any Pakistani living in Casablanca or Marrakech?


I suggest to discuss this with US Embassy they will give you the right informations because if you go to any university they don't know anything it's really a mess in all public universities .

have a nice day


Thanks a bunch. We'll check with the State Dept.