
Is there a good chance for foreigner engineers in the Philippines?


Hi there,

I am an engineer and I watched a TV report about engineers crisis in the Philippines, the news declared that the Philippines government has announced it is going to start some big infrastructure projects but there is a lack in engineers and there is needed for engineers especially civil engineers, so I would like to ask what is the chance of foreigner engineers?
can the foreign engineer find a good chance there?

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Job offers in the PhilippinesSetting up a business in the PhilippinesWork in the PhilippinesWork in CebuWork in Davao

egalex wrote:

Hi there,

I am an engineer and I watched a TV report about engineers crisis in the Philippines, the news declared that the Philippines government has announced it is going to start some big infrastructure projects but there is a lack in engineers and there is needed for engineers especially civil engineers, so I would like to ask what is the chance of foreigner engineers?
can the foreign engineer find a good chance there?

The news is true. But for you to be even considered for such carrier in the Philippines then you must be linked to one of the contractors that will be given the job to execute, or be characterised as a specialised Civil Engineer. Meaning you have some capabilities that the lot of filipino engineers in the philippines do not possess.

Frankly speaking if you are coming to submit your resume around and see if you get a job. Forget it. i graduated with a lot of Civil Engineers at my college in baguio who are now in Dubai working for some of the few big name in the Engineering sector. The "lack" mentioned in the news could be linked to a lot of factors, but i highly doubt if that meant the need of foreigners securing a nice paying Civil Engineer job.

You will often see foreigners in some of the big civil works in the country, but most are company relocated to ensure things are moving on well.  Having said that, there is no harm in reaching out to the many civil contracting companies in the philippines at the moment and finding out if there is a vacant position you can fill. And also apply on jobstreet to see if you did get a possible feedback before making a jump to the country.

Good luck.


Yup, you are right, I think the reason for engineers lacking in the Philippines is the low salaries but I do not think I could take a risk to fly to the Philippines and search job there, I prefer to search through websites like Linkedin unless if I was having a Filipina girlfriend, lol.

Actually, I think if I got a job in a foreign company in the Philippines I may find a good salary then, I do not know what happened to civil engineers chances around the worldwide even Gulf countries are going to the worst situation.