
Vietnamese citizenship


Hi everyone,

I was born in America and i am planning to live in Vietnam for a long term. Both my parents had Vietnamese citizenship at the time i was born. I am also married to Vietnamese citizenship in US. She has gained her US citizenship and keep her original citizenship as well. My question is am i able to apply for VIETNAMESE passport? Or at lease 5 years visa extemption?

See also

Getting married in VietnamTraveling to VietnamUS Embassy/Consulate Rule Changes For Notarizing US DocumentsMarriage contract of separation of propertyUK Passport

You're qualified for 5 year VEC but not Vietnamese passport unless you acquire Vietnamese citizenship.


thank you for replying. If i go for Vietnamese citizenship, would i be able to retain my US citizenship?


There's not an absolute answer to that question.  I personally know many people who couldn't retain their US citizenship while several others could.  You'll need to check with Immigration in both countries for your specific case.


If one of your parents has VN citizenship than you have it too. If you can find your parents birth certificate, household registration book, or passport (doesn't matter if it was issued by the Republic or the present gov). If you can't find documentation issued by the current or previous government than you will need a relative living in VN right now to issue a sworn statement to the local police that you are a VN citizen.

The VN Embassy/Consulate will need the documentation above and your own birth certificate, US passport/Green Card, drivers license, etc.

(If you don't have any documentation and don't have a living relative in VN. You can still get a VN passport. It will take a lot more work on your part and it will take longer. You can't have something if you don't ask. You will have to write to a lot of people.)

You will have to fill out the VN passport application and mail the $200 odd dollars to the Embassy or Consulate. All this information is on the VN Embassy website. Make sure to contact the Embassy or one of the Consulates for up to date information. *their site is outdated. Ignore that losing your citizenship thing on the Embassy site. It's void. … first-time

*send copies of all the stuff above with tracking and a prepaid return envelope w/tracking also.

Turn around time will be less then 6 months if your parents have documentation. If a relative has to prove you are a VN citizenship than it may take a little longer.

If you can't speak Vietnamese than you should make a little trip to the nearest Consulate/Embassy and talk direct to them.

If you don't want to deal with the Embassy/Consulate directly. You can go find one of those VN travel agents and have them do all of the above (make sure they have actually done it before). Cost will probably be around $1k. Don't expect faster processing time.

The different Consulates and the Embassy may give conflicting information. Use whichever one gives you the best price/information you want to hear. What one location tells you MAY not apply to another location. DON'T MIX pricing or info one location gives. Don't assume it applies to the other.

There shouldn't be any issues with holding dual citizenship. Make sure to stick to US passport when entering US. VN passport when entering VN. As a US citizen you will still be required to file tax returns when living in VN.

Other links you may want: … ai-hoa-ky/ … s/passport


My parents still has their VN birth certificates not passports but im still gonna try it anyway. Thank you for the information that everyone has provided.