
Marriage visa


Hi all

I arrived in Rio de Janeiro 2 October. I will be on 180 days tourist visa. My partner and I are going to rent an apartment end of November. Then we will have bills in our name and address. I have police check being sent to me soon.

We would like a contact of a marriage celebrant who will issue a marriage certificate fairly quickly. I would appreciate a contact for this please and any further info I may require.

As I understand we need to supply police
Federal office in Centro airport office

1. My passport (certified copy? Or just show passport with the copy)

2. Proof of address in Brazil with both our names

3. Marriage certificate (in Brazil)

4. Police check from my country. (I can have certified in Australia)

So long as we submit this to police by 4 February 2019 (ideally), we are fine & I can stay until Visa is granted. I have been out of country and back allowing 90 days to 4 February. Additional days up my sleeve if required.

Love this city, love my lady.

Todd ( Melbourne, Australia)

See also

Work permits for BrazilThe Working Holiday Visa for BrazilGeneral visa requirements for BrazilHow Long to Get Passport Back After US Visa Approval in Rio?Big Visa Bagunca

Good afternoon Todd,
Welcome to Brasil. I am trying to understand your post correctly in my head before I say anything wrong...
So, I think you are wanting to marry your lovely Partner here in Brasil? And then apply for a resident visa? They actually define this visa as a VIPER, and is under Humanitarian purpose and called Family Reunion. I just went thru the process.
First, you will Need the Permission of Brasil to get married. Many documents are needed for this. I would check with your local Cival Cartario (in Brasil it is the Government that legally marries people, a church wedding is non binding legally and is done secondary after the Government marriage Ceremony to people who want a church wedding for religious reasons) The Cartario is who would marry you, get Appointment etc...
The Cartario will tell you of all the documents that he requires. One thing I and all expats have learned here in Brasil is that the law is applied differently by different people, one Cartario in Rio let's say may require different documents than a Cartario in Porto Seguro...So, I would Find out exactly all the documents needed from the Person who Will make your wedding, but you will need quite a bit, certified birth records, certified Divorce documents if applicable to you as well as resident documents he may want such as rent reciepts etc...
I will tell you this from my first hand experience.
The Cartario where I live In Porto Seguro Bahia was demanding all kinds of documents from me before he would marry me and my then fiancee. And also keep in mind that they will all require that any document they demand such as birth record must be translated and certified by the Brasil Consulate in your home country...
It was going to take many months securing and getting all the documents needed, translated and certified.
My wife and I went an easier route. We flew to Buenas Aires and got Married there, Because Argentina has a very relaxed law on marriage. We were able to get married within 2 weeks after our arrival in Argentina. The only documents needed under Argentine law is Your Passport! And you make an Appointment to get married on the internet, it is quite easy!
After our marriage in Argentina, we brought the required documents back to Brasil and had the marriage acknowledged legally here and were issued a Brasil marriage document that is legally binding for Brasil (and all countries of the world)
I in turn recieved my Reunion Visa pretty easily after this.
But if you really want to get married here be prepared for a long wait and many many document's.
After you are married, then you are able to recieve your Family Reunion Visa (VIPER) and then a new list of documents will be needed from the Entity such as Federal Police that will issue the Visa. You probably will have all the documents needed for your reunion Visa if you get married here in Brasil, but One Document That I am sure you will need On top of all the documents needed to get married is a Police Certificate from your Home country and certified by the Brasil embassy or consulate in your home country. This Certificate Has to be issued within the last Six months. So, no matter where you get married I would start working on obtaining your Police Certificate from your home country.
I hope I have not rambled on too long and hope that I didnt make things confusing for you.
As I said, I just within the last month have gone thru this pocess and if you want more specific info I would be happy to help. My wife did all the paperwork for us as she is the Brazilian and she and i can answer any questions you and your partner may have,


I have the Checklist of needed Documents  for Visa required by Federal Police given to us....
I can Email a Photo of this Checklist if you want...As said it is current, given to us within last month from the Federal Police in Porto Seguro. It is a long list, in Portuguese...So again probably best to email you a photo of it and your lady can then read all of it


Marriage in Brazil is more difficult than you think. Now you can get a "domestic relationship" document faster.
The Cartario will tell you of all the documents that he requires on both. I went that route first and then the RNE route. Once you apply for the RNE (with the paperwork) you are given a protocol # and you are in the system.


You are Very correct about it being difficult to get married here as well as it be a long and time consuming process. That is what I was trying to say to Todd from Australia, as he was asking about a quick procedure which is never gonna happen here. I like you, was going to go the route (you took and have a domestic relationship legalised because it is much easier but still time consuming) but instead went to Argentina. I hope that Todd reads these posts and understands that as you Bluntly state Marriage is not easy or quick at all here in Brasil. And you make a good point that a domestic Relationship may be quicker for him. But either way I dont think he will be able to secure either a marriage or legal domestic Relationship before his Visa Expires on Feb 4, especially if he still has to get a few necessary documents from Australia (not just get them, but get them translated and certified by Brasil Consulate in Australia).
For someone like Todd who is wishing a quick marriage here in Brasil, that's Never gonna happen and why I told him how My wife and I went around that process and got Married in Argentina very quickly. Our marriage in Argentina is legal everywhere, we brought back our Argentine marriage license, an Apostille from Argentina (basically an international notarized copy of Marriage that other countries require), filed for and recieved our Brazilian marriage certificate in two days time....Was quite easy and fast and then able to Recieve my VIPER Visa.
I understand that money is relative for all different people and he may not have the resources to go to Argentina and stay for a few weeks...but it would secure his Marriage and Visa in just a matter of weeks, because there is no way (I dont think) there is any way to secure marriage or domestic Relationship before his visa expires


Thanks guys.
Yes I am interested in Argentina option.

Please provide contact website email phone number etc. This would be enormous help.

We have just signed a lease of an apartment for 6 months, so we have to get moving on it ASAP before Xmas crazy period



Feel free to contact me at
I have all the info needed as well as contact info for people in Buenas Aires that you may utilize who are very good people (a govenment translator needed if you dont speak spanish etc)
As i said in my post, it literally only takes a couple weeks in Argentina to get married and then bring that marriage legally here to Brasil

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