Cities In Mindanao that are Safe to Visit
It seems like I have been chatting several women who live in Davao, General Santos, Kudurat City, Cagayun de Or, and Ozamiz. I have seen the State Department warnings from last year. Have things settled down?
I am fond of my head and don't care to lose it, nor do I wish to be robbed or kidnapped.
I have a concealed carry permit at home, and I know that is out, but what about a pocketknife or whatever?
Philippines and security.
To look at likelihood we need to divide the topic into different types
* Direct random attack leading to theft at one end death at the other. (Robbery, assault etc.)
* Indirect attack leading to person injury or death (Bomb blast)
* Direct (planned) attack leading to kidnap or death
The whole of the Philippines is subject to the first point: Direct Random attack, having said this so is any first world city. Is it worse in a Mindanao city (i have lived in both General Santos, 4 years, and Davao for 12 months) not if you stay smart as you would in any large western city, don’t go where you have not seen during the day time and listen to what people tell, if they say it is dangerous then listen to them. For who to listen to i would recommend in most cases listening to the locals, foreigners can stay somewhere and get a bit blasé.
Indirect attack, yep it is probably a higher chance in Mindanao. Based on the fact that it is closer to the bad guys.
Direct attack, yes higher here than in any other part of the Philippines, once again based on the fact that it is closer to their hideouts.
So directly to your question about cities in Mindanao:
In General Santos I was also very alert of all three of the above risks. Did it stop me living there, no. Did I walk the streets or go to the areas I was told not to go by the locals, no I did not. I stayed in at night or got transport at night time, and was very aware of where not to go as told to me by the locals. During the day time I would walk to many places. I used to run in the mornings, but never the same route and never leave the house at the same time each morning. Basic security stuff.
I now live in Davao and feel extremely safe here, especially based on direct random attack. However the second point (indirect attack) is still relevant here. I avoid large public gatherings. There are check points on most roads leading into Davao city from all areas around. This is an indication that it is still risky here.
The biggest risk here in Davao is that as a foreigner you start to feel too safe and let you guard down, this comes about due to the fact that direct random attack is extremely very, very rare here.
I know of some foreigners here in Davao for work (so have not being to any other part of the Philippines) that think Davao represents the safety of the whole of Mindanao and the Philippines. I was speaking to a taxi driver the other day that told my about his foreigner brother in law that set out to the provinces to prove to the world that it was safe in Mindanao, in my thought he has falling into the trap of living in Davao for such a long time that he feels safe in Mindanao / Philippines. I my thought, he is wrong, as did the taxi driver. To back this up with fact, about 3 days ago the PNP did an assault on NPA base located only 15 klm from Davao city, the NPA group was planning a military take-over of a city very close to Davao. Look this up on news Philippine news channels if you would like to check out what I say.
In regards to arming yourself, please consider the following, would you prefer to end up in hospital after being attacked by someone with a knife or would you prefer to be in a Philippines Prison after you stab a Filipino?
I am also not sure about the laws here of carrying a pocket knife. I do know that you will not get into any Mall or shopping centre as you are searched (scanned and “body searched) prior to entry.
Attacks happen quickly they don’t tell you or give you time to pull out a defensive weapon to defend yourself.
So based on the above through any pocket knife in the bin and leave it at home.
I have not talked about home security issues here, if you are planning on living here. Another bigger topic, with so many variables, you can do security courses on this which will take about 2 to 3 days.
PS the women here are generally very nice people. Of courses there are scammers, but these are in fact in the minority and not the majority.
One thing I would do before meeting them is establish if they are Muslim, do your research on the women to establish there religion. Sad to say that all the Filipino's I talk to say to me don't trust the Muslim's.
Thanks for the reply. So, situational awareness is essential. I am a pretty good sized man, probably too formidable for one man unless he is armed.
I saw. YT video where an elderly Expat got a bad feeling when the cab made an unexpected turn not towards his destination. He saw the cabbie talking with someone before picking him up. He thought they saw him as a mark
Cagayan and Butuan are safe.
Christian living in northern Zamboanga Del Norte. I have muslim friends and even a visiting imam from Zamboanga said, DO NOT go to Zamboanga or anyplace south of there. Same for anyplace included in Bangsamoro. And yes a true muslim woman from a devout family would be inviting a death sentence upon you, a christian, and her.
I will save my integration lecture for another time.
I've only been here in Cagayan de Oro for a little over a year and have found no issues of safety that, as stated before, aren't general to any city.
I have a car and have traveled both west and east of CDO finding people of no threat generally. My woman is far more worried than I of those political groups who would cause harm. We have been as far west as Pitogo and east to Butuan City then south to Malaybalay City with never a concern for our surroundings (except for other drivers-local joke)...
I have a common rule as i ride my bycicle around CDO's small back streets...if the people ask what you are looking for your in an area that they are cocerned you're in.
If someone directs you to a place that looks unsafe, listen to your self.
Generally everyone I've come in contact with has been very friendly and when able helpful too. It is part of why I like the people of this country.
Don't come looking for a fight or trouble and you should be fine.
Davao has always been a safe city. I hear of no trouble there unless you are out in the bars flashing money & talking to the hens in the bars. Gen San is a fishing port. There are areas you do not wish to go to. Also a factory town. Any good lady you hook up there will point out areas to avoid. caysagan De Oro is safe. Military base there. I hear with marshal law it is a quit town now. Compared to what it was a year ago. But safe. Lot of the dicos & such have toned it down. Students are having a quitter life there. I lived there for 3 years never a problem before the conflict hear of none now. Except the town is quitter than it use to be. But Illigan City is a problem! Avoid getting to close to that area! 1 Canadian got beat there a few weeks ago. Reason He helped his girlfriend start a business. Stepped on toes doing so. Same reason I do not return there. Had a girl friend helped her start a business. They can't touch her but can threaten me. So business competition avoid. You step on toes then. Gen San is same on that. So If in those areas mind your own business you are safe unless Illigan city. & west. Unless you like CDO. Jump over the levie at night & like to walk threw the slums at 1AM. Along the river. But not as unsafe as wandering threw the wrong areas of Chicago at 1 AM. But that is any place in the world.
I can only speak for Davao but it would be a lot safer than Manila for robberies and muggings .
The locals love the martial law .
You probably already know that if you cry poor and don't boast about wealth you are well on the way of being ignored as a target .
I only travel Cebu north into Manila ... I stay clear of the south even though there a quite a few foreigners there
I’d be careful anywhere in Mindanao.....just be aware of your surroundings and don’t become complacent !
Im from the UK and I’m living temporarily in Prosperidad with my wife. She and her family have my safety and best interest at heart. I’m a great lover of the outdoors and love trekking and standing on the tops of mountains.....but my wise sister-in-law tells me things here are not as quiet as they would appear....I’m ok to walk along the Pan Philippine highway (fumes permitting) for 2 miles south and 2.5 miles north to the army’s 401 brigade headquarters. Outside those limits I’m told “don’t go”. My family have a farming area in the nearby mountains and they often report bandit - military confrontations.
I like my health and my head.....we have a plan to move to Southern Leyte where IT IS safe.
I feel quite safe in the town during daylight but would never wander around after dark....but that’s the same in many countries
Catholics be taking Jolo off the safe list.
I have been living in Dipolog City, Galas, Baybay area for 2 years and love it, The boulevard is boasted to be the best in the Philippines. I find it very friendly and safe. I hand with a group of Expats and can say I have never heard of any one ever having a problem with any of the locals. Some little kids will pick pocket your phone but that's about it. Respect is a wise choice to remember.

Safe is relative.
I have heard good things about Koronadal City.
As for travel warning this is the UK map and it is essentially the same as the US State Dept map … s_jpeg.jpg
There are more kidnappings & attacks as you go from yellow to red, but it all just depends.
I know people who live there and have no problem so far.
You should know about Marawi and also the many kidnappings that have been in the news.
Things settle down and then fire back up.
There is NPA in mountainous regions throughout the country.
This "Canadian Govt Website" may help. It states that its best to:
Avoid non-essential travel to *Eastern Mindanao due to the threat of terrorism, kidnapping, high levels of criminality, and violent clashes between the military/police and terrorist or rebel groups. The situation in *Eastern Mindanao is relatively more *stable than in Western Mindanao. This includes the provinces of Dinagat Islands,Misamis Oriental,Surigao del Norte,Surigao del Sur. We do have a military presence in our area/road blocks near and around local airport/main highways....but I've never experienced any form of violent crime in my 11 months here!
(In fact I'm shocked that this travel warning still exists!)
As adviced in earlier posts : to be careful anywhere in Mindanao.....just be aware of your surroundings and don’t become complacent.
Ignorance is bliss, vigilance decreases the probability of problems. No place is truly safe, just lower probability of problems.
ASG and NPA are both active in Zam Del Norte. Please note that the news you hear is very soft, concentrating on media personalities and not covering any hard news. It is listed as one of the less safe places to be a reporter.
Ask the local police, not a bunch of old farts that can are less than fluent in the local language.
Cagayan De Oro is very safe, especially if you live in the uptown (Xavier Heights) area, this is where most foriegners live including myself, very safe and no dangers from flooding.
If during ramadan, anywhere seems okay.
Dipolog must rival Dumaguete for waterfront.
I’ve been throughout most of Mind., on small or big bike, and no problem. But helps to keep moving on so that no routine can be followed. At various times west of Iligan, Ozamis and Pagadian can be less secure, but I’ve ridden through the warzone of Danao del Sur but during their ramadan.
In general, eastern Mind. is safest: north of Davao and up to Butuan, CdO, Surigao and in between. But life is a crap shoot? Given that always appear confident but respectful, and likely no one initially be brazen enough to confront you unless you are up on the sand roads inviting NPA road tax ops.
Veteran of many years in the Middle east, Qatar, Saudi, Kuwait, Afghan. Ramadan is the most dangerous time. There are "deputized" religious pious enforcement patrols. Yes overall activity is diminished due to living more nocturnal lifestyle to get around the daytime food and drink limitations, but the religious fervor is stoked.
Hello guys,
last input is 2 years old. Anyone has some update ?
I'm contemplating visiting General Santos next december or later ( when that covid-crap will finish). Any tip will be appreciated !
HI WHO Knows about Gingoog City or surrounding Area
I have lived in valencia city now for over 5 years now and its pretty safe prerty much safe all over mindanao now. There are a few hotspots that you should stay clear from. Zomboanga area, and the muslim autonomous regions. But in saying that i know of foreigners living in those areas. Also dont travel long distance at night. There are a few ballsy npa members that is always looking for an easy payday. That is my opinion, and stay safe
Bukidnonkane wrote:IThere are a few ballsy npa members that is always looking for an easy payday.
Do you mean "revolution tax" ? (=NPA wanting a contribution. ) I have heared of such in some regions but never heared of any kidnapping by NPA . Kidnappings are MUSLIM guerila's "HARD payday "
I'm not affraid of NPA but of muslim guerillas.
Some are old info:
From Zamboanga in southwest along rhe south half to close to Davao is some dangerous, but I know of a few foreigners living rural iat the half island where General Santos is.
A foreigner got threaten in rural Bukidnon outside Valencia and moved away, but he diddn't know if they were muslim guerilla, NPA or just criminals.
Agusan del Sur: Not sure if they ment muslim guerila or NPA but some local Filipinos said it's damgerous for foreigners there. Some foreigners sold rural properies there, don't know if by danger or what.
At Gingoog some civilians were NOT the target but got in danger by in crossfire when a Police station was attacked.
Beside that I haven't hheared of any dangers for fforeigners except some from criminals e g a carnapping in Cagayan De Oro.
Zamboanga Del Norte coastal cities are not unusually hazardous to your health due to the mulsim or communist predators BUT the mountains are the Army (lazy cat) and quick little mice games abound

eduardo001 wrote:General Santos is safe. Covid terrorists are more dangerous than muslim terrorists now.
Covid terrorists, what is that ? explain please
geolefrench wrote:eduardo001 wrote:General Santos is safe. Covid terrorists are more dangerous than muslim terrorists now.
Covid terrorists, what is that ? explain please
Feeding the troll.
With all the recent lengthy lockdowns there will be some needy people. DTA, I’d bring a Filipina with you for added safety ... lots of snatch and runs, don’t have your cellphone exposed taking vids or pics for extended periods, shabu is still a problem even though Rody did quell it dramatically ... minimize how much cash you carry as well, basic stuff ... lots of fun in Phil 🥳
coach53 wrote:Bukidnonkane wrote:IThere are a few ballsy npa members that is always looking for an easy payday.
Do you mean "revolution tax" ? (=NPA wanting a contribution. ) I have heared of such in some regions but never heared of any kidnapping by NPA . Kidnappings are MUSLIM guerila's "HARD payday "
I'm not affraid of NPA but of muslim guerillas.
Some are old info:
From Zamboanga in southwest along rhe south half to close to Davao is some dangerous, but I know of a few foreigners living rural iat the half island where General Santos is.
A foreigner got threaten in rural Bukidnon outside Valencia and moved away, but he diddn't know if they were muslim guerilla, NPA or just criminals.
Agusan del Sur: Not sure if they ment muslim guerila or NPA but some local Filipinos said it's damgerous for foreigners there. Some foreigners sold rural properies there, don't know if by danger or what.
At Gingoog some civilians were NOT the target but got in danger by in crossfire when a Police station was attacked.
Beside that I haven't hheared of any dangers for fforeigners except some from criminals e g a carnapping in Cagayan De Oro.
I live over by valencia city bukidnon, and the only threat here is NPA. but they only become a threat if your treating filipinos bad. If the NPA gets told that a foreigner is being a l asshole. They will make sure you leave the area. I think i know who you were talking about in valencia. That guy was a dick. He would yell at police, he was drunk all the time. And i heard he beat his wife on couple occasions. Now that is here/say but that is coming from barangay officials. So i dont know. Ive lived here 6 years and never once have i had a problem
I have lived here in CDO for over 10 years. It is a safe place but there are some if they feel there is a target that will try to take advantage. I have had several run ins with the PNP but it is mainly that they want to protect the Filipino . I had one run in with a mayor and he was trying to intimidate but I raised my voice and it ended. I guess I am saying if you stand your ground and if need be contact the right people to file complaints you will be ok and respected or feared. In short I fine it safe here.
I do carry a 4 inch knife and it is legal. Here there are rules not in malls but have never been stopped. there have been several occasions I have pulled it only to see the private security and PNP disappear. The general in command of the PNP said no guns but a knife is ok for defense.
Bukidnonkane wrote:I live over by valencia city bukidnon, and the only threat here is NPA. but they only become a threat if your treating filipinos bad. If the NPA gets told that a foreigner is being a l asshole. They will make sure you leave the area.
Yes. That's the common oppinon - except among crock officials and rich Manila Filipinos
Bukidnonkane wrote:If the NPA gets told that a foreigner is being a l asshole. They will make sure you leave the area.
An American told he like NPA very much, because NPA told the American's FILIPINO fatrer-in-law to stop missbehaving and he did
Bukidnonkane wrote:I live over by valencia city bukidnon, and the only threat here is NPA. but they only become a threat if your treating filipinos bad. If the NPA gets told that a foreigner is being a l asshole. They will make sure you leave the area. I think i know who you were talking about in valencia. That guy was a dick. He would yell at police, he was drunk all the time. And i heard he beat his wife on couple occasions. Now that is here/say but that is coming from barangay officials. So i dont know. Ive lived here 6 years and never once have i had a problem
The guy I talked about lived rural. I have only heared his side of the story, so I don't know what's true, except he got sscared and left.
Hi @cltisdale did you get any response or get a chance to visit Gingoog City? I am contemplating travel to Gingoog City and to visit Mimbunga but am very unsure as I have never been before.
One thing to bear in mind is that if you travel to any location where your Foreign Office/State Department advises against travel is that your travel insurance policy will probably be voided and you will not be able to claim if needed. There are specialist insurers that will insure against travel to these sort of places though, mostly set up for people who need to go there (journalists, aid workers and the like).
@Cherryann01 thank you for this info, I am a first time traveller to the Philippines and am gathering as much info as possible, I'll keep this in mind and look into it
Left Cavite, Dasmarinas, and have been here in Dipolog/Dapitan area for a year and a half... Great expat groups here... and love it... SOOOO much better. Have been around a bit... Cagayan is nice also. Pagadian is not bad as well... I would still stay away from anywhere down in the Zamboanga peninsula. Planning to head south and visit General Santos, and Davao soon... I have heard they are both fine... have heard there are a couple areas in between here and there that aren't the best best to hang your hat... Plan to research a bit more before heading that way.
I'm going to be in CDO in November. Thinking of driving down to Bukidnon in the hills. Any thoughts or recommendations please.
I'm going to be in CDO in November. Thinking of driving down to Bukidnon in the hills. Any thoughts or recommendations please.
-@Lotus Eater
I drive up through Bukidnon to Quezon now and then and I much prefer the route from uptown CDO through Talakag, it's much more scenic and the one thing I hate about the other route via Manolo Fortich is the drive out on the highway to Puerto, after Puerto travelling up hill it's not too bad but the highway bit is a nightmare.
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