
Rodrigo Duterte arrested.

Lotus Eater

The former president of the Philippines Rodrigo Duterte has been arrested in Manila

by the ICC (International criminal court)

Chickens finally coming home to roost Rod?

See also

Living in the Philippines: the expat guideAnyone using Starlink?Financial InfedelityPhilippines Mandatory Mobile Phone SIM Card Registration By Mid 2023Returning to Baguio and Ilocos Sur

        Should get a fair trial and then a firing squad.


It was a very eye opening time for the world but interestingly most Filipinos never batted an eyelid and even the better half said we don't need those people and better off without them, maybe true for the guilty but the innocent? Seems plenty were caught up in the culling sadly.

We are simply bystanders and best to shut our mouths and let the system here play the game.


Cheers, Steve.


May I ask a question please?

Given drug dealers kill by the millions, how guilty is the ex-president when compared with them?


Fred I'm sure you have been around the block a few times.

Drug dealers profit to kill while some simply order to kill.


Cheers, Steve.


May I ask a question please?
Given drug dealers kill by the millions, how guilty is the ex-president when compared with them? - @Fred

       Does not justify skipping due process.


The ICC as well as the UN has become nothing more than a politicized farce.  I'm glad the USA refused to re-sign.  I hope they'll get out of the UN as well.  Useful at one time, but they've turned into ideological hacks now.


May I ask a question please?
Given drug dealers kill by the millions, how guilty is the ex-president when compared with them? - @Fred
   Does not justify skipping due process.
- @mugtech

I watched England change from a lovely place into a drug dealer infested dump.

Of course there are a lot of factors apart from drugs that have contributed to the old country's decline, but crime and unsafe streets are mostly down to drugs.

The war on drugs will always be a waste of time because the 'good guys' have to play by rules that dealers ignore.

I have no problem with Duterte's anti-drug dealing scum policies.


         End justifies the means?


    End justifies the means? - @mugtech

Pretty much.

I have quite strong opinions regarding drug dealers because I saw their rise in the UK and, more importantly, the damage they did.

I see them as no better than rats.

However, my opinion of drug users has softened quite a lot. I now see them as victims, but weak minded, pathetic ones with little right to live in a civilised society.

Cold turkey upon arrest for them.

I'm also anti-tobacco. Companies should be closed down, and their execs should have their possessions confiscated. They also make money by killing weak minded fools. Not really much difference, but tobacco doesn't cause the crime wave that drugs bring

Enzyte Bob

To me is not the guilt or innocence of any party but the jurisdiction of an outside tribunal to adjudicate in another countries internal affairs.

Sincerely yours,

George Orwell


  End justifies the means? - @mugtech
Pretty much. - @Fred

Very MAGA of you.


Not going to share my thoughts on right or wrong but I think as guests here we have no need to be involved with this topic as it's political and up to the judicial system in the Philippines to deal with it.


Cheers, Steve.


Not going to share my thoughts on right or wrong but I think as guests here we have no need to be involved with this topic as it's political and up to the judicial system in the Philippines to deal with it.

Cheers, Steve. - @bigpearl

Not involved, but can have an opinion.


To me is not the guilt or innocence of any party but the jurisdiction of an outside tribunal to adjudicate in another countries internal affairs.
Sincerely yours,
George Orwell - @Enzyte Bob

Do drug dealers embrace those thoughts when fighting over territories, or executing people they believe are a hindrance to their profits?

If so, they deserve the same.


         Old Testiment


    Old Testiment - @mugtech


My small town in the UK used to be a safe place with hardly any crime.

Drug dealers destroyed the place.

I see no reason to treat them any better than rats.

You will never get a rat to behave like a human because it's a rat, and it will remain a rat until it becomes a dead rat.