Employment Visa requirements Oman


I am on a family joining visa in Oman but I am looking for work      I have had an interview with a potential employer who would like to hire me as a consultant for a 9 month contract    they have stated that since I would not be on their official payroll,  I do not need to change the status of my visa    this is in contradiction to everything I have read    does anyone know if there is such a possibility to be hired as a consultant while still on a family joining visa?     Any questions I should ask this employer before signing any agreement     

Many thanks

Hi Tina Gascon Montgomery,

Simply put, the deal that has been offered to you is ... illegal.

The one who has suggested the arrangement to you must be well aware of the legal implications, should things go awry.

In the case of any 'surprise labour checks' during the time you are in their office, the employer would be penalised more than you, the 'employee'.

It is forbidden for any expatriate to be gainfully employed unless they are on an employment contract for 2-years, or on short-term employment contracts as may be permissible.

By not taking you on a proper work visa, the company stands to gain much as they do not have to be bothered about the mandatories that go with an employment visa such as the annual return airfare, medical insurance coverage, housing, transportation, etc.

By accepting the offer you are putting yourself at a risk.

This is what I thought.   Thank you very much. 
