
invitation letter


hello friends i want to do 1 week trip to mexico and i need help if any one can give me contact of lawyer or travel agency or individual  from where i should get notary attested invitation letter for my visa application which i have & imp to show in mexico embassy in Iran will pay shipping and other cost fee pm me who can do the job thanks

See also

The Working Holiday Visa for MexicoVisas for MexicoCanje Process QuestionsHousing question for temporary residencyLeaving Mexico by plan with Permanent or Temporal Visa card

h2kclan wrote:

hello friends i want to do 1 week trip to mexico and i need help if any one can give me contact of lawyer or travel agency or individual  from where i should get notary attested invitation letter for my visa application which i have & imp to show in mexico embassy in Iran will pay shipping and other cost fee pm me who can do the job thanks


The help you would need would be in the Mexican counsel in your country. That is the place that would know the requirements of Mexico and of your country.


we dont have mexico embassy in here i have to go iran and i known invitation is important


h2kclan wrote:

we dont have mexico embassy in here i have to go iran and i known invitation is important

Take note that I said counsel not embassy. You have special circumstances the rest of us do not have. We are not told to get an invitation letter. We fill out visa applications often on the flight in. what you are talking about is something we have no experience in. Something we are not required to do.

This website may help you

We do not act as hosts for your stay, you must make these arrangements yourself. So you will have to talk to someone representing Mexico and determine if you actually need an invitation letter. If you do you will have to find a host. Perhaps a friend in Mexico or an employer.

Good luck


travellight wrote:
h2kclan wrote:

we dont have mexico embassy in here i have to go iran and i known invitation is important

Take note that I said counsel not embassy. You have special circumstances the rest of us do not have. We are not told to get an invitation letter. We fill out visa applications often on the flight in. what you are talking about is something we have no experience in. Something we are not required to do.

This website may help you

We do not act as hosts for your stay, you must make these arrangements yourself. So you will have to talk to someone representing Mexico and determine if you actually need an invitation letter. If you do you will have to find a host. Perhaps a friend in Mexico or an employer.

Good luck

Hi to all, like for numerous countries some foreigners going to visit a country as a tourist might need a VISA.

In the quoted case, yes, a Pakistani needs a pre approved VISA befor travelling to Mexico. The following link quotes 3 possible options one of them being the letter of invitation. … 8-visas-10 (in Spanish but can change language)

Hoping that someone can help but the link provided by "travellight" could be very usefull

Buena suerte a "h2kclan" y buen dia a todos, GyC.