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Totally agree with you except they only killed one dirt bag, but like I said “if” true it was a SS1 Someone with a degree of power has some answers to provide at the very highest level
I’ve actually just found and lost a link when a police brigadier was attacked recently (late last year?) and had his rifle stolen whilst sat at a hotel in his car, 3 blanks and 16 rubber in the magazine
When caught doing a crime, best is to raise your hands.
Russian criminals tend to be very violent. No pity.
You'll get away with violence against civilians because they have no ability to fight back, but the cops have guns.
You'll come second.
Besides arresting foreign nationals from Uganda, Congo, and Madagascar who were suspected of being involved in prostitution in Kuta, during the first quarter of 2019.
the TPI Special Class I Immigration Office Ngurah Rai also conducted immigration administrative measures of 40 foreigners from various country.Head of the Ngurah Rai Special Class I Immigration Office, Amran Aris, said on Friday (22/3/2019) that 9 foreign nationals who were prosecuted included 9 people, February 2 people (a Russian and a Canadian), and March as many as 29 people.Added, from the country of origin, a number of foreigners who were taken were from Australia, the Netherlands, Egypt, Italy, Britain, Russia, Bangladesh, Madagascar, USA, India, Chile, and France. The types of violations began from overstay, ex-prison and disobey the laws and regulations,.In addition, Arman said, from the results of supervision carried out by the TPI Ngurah Rai Special Class I Immigration Office on foreigners entering Indonesia, he stated that since January and February 2019 they rejected entry permits for 205 foreigners from 40 countries with various reasons.The most issued citizens are from Bangladesh, Australia, USA India and China. The reason of refusel are passport validity period was less than six months, or not have an RI visa or travel documents. Otler cased of pedophilia, and are also refused because of other things, "he said.The government's decision to sell visas in order to bring in 20 million foreign tourists (foreign tourists) actually brings criminal problems in Bali from a series of robberies and ATM burglaries, the perpetrators are foreign nationals. Head of Immigration Class I Denpasar Wisnu Widayat said his party had made various efforts related to the supervision of foreigners.One of them is by forming Timpora at the sub-district level in accordance with the order of the Law on Supervision of Foreigners.The formation of Timpora in each sub-district to facilitate supervision of foreigners coming to Bali,said Wisnu Widayat. If there are individual tourists found to take actions that need to be taken action immediately reported to immigration. Later immigration will follow up.He argues that many foreign tourists who violate the law in Bali are one of the negative sides of giving visa-free visits, aka visa on arrivalHowever, this cannot be a problem because it has become a government decision. The point must be to increase supervision.Because tourists are given visa free for vacation, but some are misused. Like a recent robbery case, since January - March, Immigration had taken immigration administration to 14 foreign tourists,and immediately deported because the entry is in detention.
source :
I disagree with the visa fee being free has increased criminals visiting Indonesia/ Bali, and crime rates increasing I doubt a criminal parting with around $30 or so would be put off coming here. Similar issues are all over South East Asia, opportunities arise for foreign criminals because of local knowledge
it’s no secret Indonesia is a gateway for human trafficking,/ prostitution, paedophilia and all perpetrators regardless of nationality should face a firing squad
Charging for visas would do absolutely nothing, looking at certain visa applications and sort of visa, marriages, business etc may help … nesia.html
I believe the ape's brain is more developed that the smuggler's.
Maybe a friend from the above
This might not appear expat related, but that number of people disappearing off for holidays is likely to mean traffic jams to all the usual places … ma_Click_1
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Another survey by the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) shows that there will be at least 7 percent of registered voters in the final voter list (DPT) who plan to go on vacation during election day.
Expats from cold countries who fancy a break from the tropical climate have a new option … theme-park
Travel around Jakarta is always a pain in the bum, but this is likely to be at least some of the ointment we all desperately need.
Cheap, fast, and clean. I get the idea a good few expats are going to like this. … cket-price
Jakarta. The Jakarta provincial government and the city council agreed on a progressive ticket price for the capital's brand-new mass rapid transportation system on Tuesday, ending months of deliberation aimed at striking a balance between affordability for users and an acceptable level of subsidy by the administration.
A trip on the entire 16-kilometer route of the Jakarta MRT, from Lebak Bulus to the Hotel Indonesia traffic circle, will amount to Rp 14,000 ($1), which is less than half the cost of using one of the city's ubiquitous online motorcycle taxis over the same distance.
A fixed fare of Rp 3,000 will apply for entering the MRT system and this will increase by Rp 1,000 for every station a passenger passes, Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan explained.
Ojek using expats might well be interested in this one … nline-ojek
Jakarta. Indonesia's Transportation Ministry finally announced long-awaited zone-based minimum and maximum fares for online motorcycle taxis on Monday (25/03).
The ministry-set fares range from Rp 2,000 to Rp 2,500 (14 to 17 cents) per kilometer in the Greater Jakarta area. The minimum fare in the capital will range from Rp 8,000 to Rp 10,000, the general director of land transportation at the ministry, Budi Setiyadi, said in a statement.
The first of the three zones covers Sumatra, Java and Bali. The massive Greater Jakarta market makes up the entirety of the second zone. The third zone covers Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Nusa Tenggara, Maluku, Papua and other islands.
It might be a good idea not to wear white on election day. Some more 'interesting' members of the Indonesian public might see it as support for a given candidate. … n-april-17
The president has been clear in his opinion the new infrastructure projects are designed to help business, and he's very probably right, that also meaning there could well be more opportunities for highly skilled expats to find good work over here … dge-jokowi
Balikpapan, East Kalimantan (ANTARA) - Incumbent president Joko Widodo (Jokowi), during an open campaign rally held here on Thursday, said that various infrastructure projects undertaken during the past five years were meant to give the nation a competitive edge.
“After this, we will focus on developing our human resources,” Jokowi said, addressing thousands of supporters attending his open campaign.
There is a push from some quarters to bring the English language back into schools as part of a campaign to develop Indonesia's human resources.
If that point of view wins through, the poor state of English in this country is very likely to mean more work for expat teachers.
One for Russian expats in Indonesia, there just might be a few jobs available to you … mp;view=ok
It seems Lada and Gaz could be entering the Indonesian market
I have no idea about Gaz, but I hope Lada have gone up in the world since I last drove one of their lumps of junk back in the 80s.
I didn't own it, just tried one out - Horrible
I debated as to the merits of this story but given expats and tourists are a likely target for extremists, I believe it's valid on this thread, more so as ex-fighters from a previous overseas conflict were part of the Bali bombing lot.
I hold a rather strong opinion on this but, as this is not a political forum, I don't want to express those thoughts here.
Perhaps I could request the same from others … -camp.html
Indonesians taking refuge at the Kurdish-run Al-Hol camp in Al-Hasakah, Syria, are begging to come home because supplies are starting to run out.
it is a very relevant post and agreed it’s not a political forum, I also have very strong personal views on this topic as I have experienced these / similar groups first hand over a period of almost a decade
These groups unfortunately have a strong presence in My location and amongst many other places within Indonesia the authorities are trying to combat this, what progress against these groups if any is yet to be seen and continue to pose a very serious threat to Indonesians and foreigners
What I will add is how this is being handled is a huge mistake
“Saturday small and polite rant over”
Here is the news - There's a national holiday tomorrow.
There's also an election but that's of no concern to expats
Expats unfamiliar with the disaster we know as mudik (The mass exodus of people from the cities going home for the holiday) should take note of this. … fic-policy
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - The Indonesian government is set to implement the one-way traffic policy at Trans Java toll road during the homecoming and return trips of Eid al-Fitr holiday 2019.
“The president always says to improve the service for the people who travel for homecoming every year. This year, most of the infrastructure that has been built is fully operable," said presidential chief of staff Moeldoko as quoted from on Friday, April 26.
Much as this doesn't seem expat related, it's very likely to make a difference to the sort of places expats work. … ma_Click_1
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - During a limited meeting today, April 29, in the Presidential Office, President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo has decided to move the capital to outside Java Island.
May day tomorrow, a red day, and one that has the potential for trouble if things go wrong.
It might be best for expats to avoid the mentioned areas - just in case. … ma_Click_2
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Jakarta Metro Police to deploy 26,000 joint troops to secure the capital on Labor Day tomorrow, May 1. Police spokesman Sr. Comr. Argo Yuwono said the officers dispatched would come from the National Police Force, the TNI, and the Jakarta Province's Satpol PP.
"Our men will be posted in areas where workers will gather," Argo said in Jakarta, Thursday, April 30.
He said that the laborers would be concentrated near the State Palace and the Senayan Tennis Court area. Argo said that the police received no information about mass gatherings and rallies other than in those two locations.
Earlier, Argo said that the Jakarta Police received 14 letters notifying about May Day rallies for tomorrow.
"Some planned to have the rally in Istora Senayan, but they moved it to Kelapa Gading before finally deciding on the Istora Senayan indoor tennis court," he said.
Previously, the Confederation of Indonesian Workers Unions (KSPI) announced that it will mobilize 50,000 people from Jakarta alone to hold May Day rally in front of the State Palace.
Tourists and expats take note
The overstay fine from May will be one million Rupiah per day. … a-per-hari
(Sorry it's in Indonesian)
translated !
wow ! one million rupiah fine per day.
JAKARTA - The Directorate General (Directorate General) of Immigration of the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights has imposed new rules for foreign nationals who live in Indonesia beyond the deadline or overstayed. Foreigners who overstay will be fined Rp.1 million per day.
The rules regarding fees charged to foreigners overstayed are stated in Government Regulation Number 28 of 2019 concerning Types and Tariffs for Types of Non-Tax State Revenues that Apply to the Ministry of Law and Human Rights.
Head of Public Relations and Data of the Directorate General of Immigration Agung Sampurno said the burden of Rp. 1 million was applied to provide a deterrent effect to foreigners who lived beyond the deadline. This rule applies from May 2019.
"The reason is to give a deterrent effect to foreigners who violate," Agung said, yesterday.
The fee charged to foreigners previously overstayed Rp. 300 thousand. Agung said that the amount of the money did not give a deterrent effect to violating foreigners.
"That the cost of the previous burden of Rp. 300 thousand was considered to have a deterrent effect," he said. *
Serious messing in Indonesian politics is a real no go for foreign nationals as it can get you into a lot of trouble.
Messing with armed terrorist groups is even worse … papua.html
As ex[at and tourists are desirable targets for terrorists, it might be worth noting these groups are still active. … blast.html
Two alleged terrorists were killed in an explosion they had triggered themselves to avoid arrest by antiterror squad Densus 88 in Jatikramat, Bekasi, West Java, on Sunday.
Bekasi Police chief Sr. Comr Indarto confirmed the deaths to
Densus 88 was led to the alleged terrorists following the capture of three suspected Jamaah Ansharut Daulah (JAD) members in Babelan, Bekasi regency, and Tegal, Central Java, on Saturday.
One of the three had been wanted for terrorism, while the other two were arrested for aiding and abetting him.
More tourist related
Don't be a total moron … d-in-bali/
We’ve seen plenty of “Aussies Behaving Badly in Bali” stories before, but this is easily among the worst. Footage emerged this week showing a group of Australian tourists — consisting of at least five men in their 20s — rampaging across the island while engaging in “disgusting” and “deeply disrespectful” behavior that has been widely criticized in the Australian media.
See the video of these pathetic idiots to understand why "Moron" is an acceptable word for them.
Don't get worried if you hear low flying fighter jets at 3 in the morning, it's just the air force reminding Muslims it's time for breakfast … sahur.html
The Indonesian Air Force has announced that it will participate in the country’s tradition of waking people up during the fasting month of Ramadan for sahur (predawn meal).
Through its Twitter account @_TNIAU, the Air Force said jet fighter training would be conducted in several cities on Java Island, namely Surabaya in East Java, Surakarta, Klaten and Sragen in Central Java and Yogyakarta.
It seems terrorist groups are working on attacks, and the security forces are working on stopping them.
The sad news is, it's a lot harder to hunt down and remove threats than it is to create them, so it's worth keeping an eye out for odd behaviour, especially in public places, expat hangouts, anywhere near police stations, and shopping centres.
The police are doing a great job so there's a lesser chance of a problem, but keeping an eye out can't hurt. … SKCN1SL0NQ
JAKARTA (Reuters) - Indonesia’s counter-terrorism squad has rounded up at least 10 people suspected of planning attacks during next week’s announcement of the results of April’s hotly contested presidential election, police said on Wednesday...
..“Through interrogation we found the suspects planned to attack mass gatherings on May 21, 22 or 23,” Prasetyo said, referring to demonstrations planned for next week.
“Their aim is to create chaos and target as many victims as possible, including police.”
The suspects belonged to Jemaah Ansharut Daulah (JAD), the largest Islamic State-linked group in the country, and authorities were on the hunt for more members, he added.
I've seen these things in operation so can assure travellers they don't cause any delays. … -monkeypox
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - The Dumai Seaport's Health Office has installed a thermal scanner at the seaport's entrance gate to check arriving passengers’ temperatures, in a bid to prevent the spread of the monkeypox virus.
Passengers with elevated body temperatures, particularly those who have arrived from overseas, would be sent to a medical check-up room by health workers, Head of Dumai Seaport Efrizon told journalists on Monday.
"We have set up a special medical check-up room, along with health workers," he said, adding that the thermal scanner was installed to respond to the Indonesian Health Ministry's letter dated May 13, 2019, which asked agencies to take precautionary measures.
Located in Riau Province, Dumai Seaport is the destination for a ferry serving Dumai and the Malaysian city of Malacca. From Malacca, passengers often travel to Singapore by bus.
Agung volcano on Bali has popped its top so some flights have been cancelled. Check with your airline before going to the airport … 27747.html
Krakatoa is still active, but not much of a threat to the area as the collapse of last year means there's no mountain left to fall into the sea.
That means the Anyer area is very probably safe from it for the next hundred years or more - at least. … nrest.html
Expats considering a new get around, fun car might have a new Indonesian made choice. I've driven the Suzuki Jimny and they're great for local work, and especially handy on rough roads and areas prone to light to medium flooding. The high seating position makes driving easier, and there's luggage space when it comes to shopping. The things are really easy to park - Bonus.
It would be nice to see them made in Indonesia, and available at advantages prices. … indonesia-
Illegal alcohol kills quickly and painfully - "Quickly" means as soon as it's burned out your digestive tract and liver over the space of a few hours.
This isn't beer, wine, or shorts as we know them, more an exceptional mix of things such as bleach, wood alcohol, and a bunch of other stuff that's very likely to give you a lot more than a stomach ache. … ttles.html
The Jakarta administration has destroyed more than 18,000 bottles of illegal alcoholic beverages seized in five municipalities across the city in operations carried out from January to May.
Fred, in my neck of the woods, illegal alcohol normally means booze being sold which doesn't have the proper tax labels, as opposed to being some poisonous concoctions. I suspect most of those 18,000 bottles were designated illegal for reason of no tax labels.
Ubudian wrote:Fred, in my neck of the woods, illegal alcohol normally means booze being sold which doesn't have the proper tax labels, as opposed to being some poisonous concoctions. I suspect most of those 18,000 bottles were designated illegal for reason of no tax labels.
Tax - Could well be but the stuff we have over here is great for cleaning car engines (as long as you avoided any rubber hoses), but a bit dodgy to drink.'s the time of the year. Every year at this time Jakarta likes to do it's "let's bulldoze a ton of illegal booze" thing. This booze was all confiscated contraband, collected and held by customs for this annual event.
Ubudian's the time of the year. Every year at this time Jakarta likes to do it's "let's bulldoze a ton of illegal booze" thing. This booze was all confiscated contraband, collected and held by customs for this annual event.
May I drive the bulldozer, please?
Yes, of course it's staged, but it looks good until someone points out they part own a booze supplier, something I find strange for someone that ran for election in an Islamic ticket.
Most immigration corruption has been stamped out now so the situation is far better than it was even a few years ago, but not everything is as smooth as it should be. … yee-in-ntb
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) reportedly arrested a number of people in a sting operation (OTT) today on May 28, with one of them suspected to be involved in corruption at the West Nusa Tenggara immigration.
A law enforcement member confirmed to Tempo that an arrest took place which incriminates at least 4 people. Details of the arrest are still unable to be confirmed but there are strong suspicions of a money transfer by an NTB immigrations member.
Another take on this story … estigation
Three officials of the Mataram Class I Immigration Office in West Nusa Tenggara Province, were apprehended in an arrest operation by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) for alleged bribery in obtaining residence permits.
Expats beware - If this is proven, investigators might well look at who did the bribing, and who benefited by obtaining dodgy immigration status - That could mean fines, prison time, and deportation.
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