
Hi guys,

I went to the Metfone shop but it was closing so I bought a Metfone SIM card from a small shop.

Does anyone know the easiest way to put credit on? Online would be best but I'm not having any luck.


Buy a Metfone phone card for $1 - $5 at about any shop including supermarkets and minimarts, dial the number on the card and you have credit in your phone.



JoeKhmer wrote:

Buy a Metfone phone card for $1 - $5 at about any shop including supermarkets and minimarts, dial the number on the card and you have credit in your phone.



Could not be simpler.

Actually it was a nightmare. I got a Smart one instead. Much better.

Stephanie Batten wrote:

Actually it was a nightmare. I got a Smart one instead. Much better.

You should have asked, I would have told you Smart is the way to go.

Anyway, you are Smart(er) now  :D

