
Please I need help

Baba Haruna

I have case with my boss and we go to court he make a runaway case on me but I was not a runaway so the judge make the final judgment and he said I am free to go and search for another job but if I check on lmra status it still shows absent from work.the court gave me one paper that shows my case have been close so how can I get that status on the lmra removed so I can find a new job

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Take the paper and go to lmra office.

Baba Haruna

Okay but I don’t have new sponsor now can I still take it there because I don’t know if they will charge me for overstaying and how can I get this done so I can get job


You have to clear it from system. Else no one can apply for visa for you.

Baba Haruna

Okay thanks for your advice I really appreciate a lot

Baba Haruna

But I want to know if I go there will they put any charges on me or they will send me home direct. Because I want to get offer letter from some company before I can go there. May be because of the over stay they can decide to send me home direct so I want to know from you having a new sponsor before going there or going there to clear it in the system which one is better because I want work here.


As I said, you HAVE to clear it because even if you find a new sponsor, that sponsor will NOT be able to apply for a visa for you if you are absconding in system.  LMRA doesn't send you back direct; that is immigration.   Besides due to overstay, you cannot leave without paying fine anyway.

So clear it in the system, find a sponsor, go to immigration, pay a fine and see if visa can be extended, if not, leave and come back on new visa.