New: Mongolia business directory
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there is something new on!
We designed a new section dedicated to the companies ofMongoliaand their services: the Mongolia business directory.
Professionals can now present their activity on We offer them two ways of doing it :
> a simple listing, with phone number and address. For free.
> a "premium" listing with a logo, description + a dedicated page with a complete description of their services and products (with pictures, localization on a map). For a reasonable price per year, payable online.
We will now be able to respond to companies' demands in terms of visibility on We also hope this will meet your expectations since you will have access to a list of all the companies offering products and services to expatriates.
Do you think that section is a good idea?
Please do not hesitate to post your thoughts and comments!
Hi, Founder Julien,
So, glad to make your acquaintance. Recently, I joined to promote international friendship, inter-cultural understanding, inter-racial tolerance, philanthropy, and language exchange by organizing a gathering to which natives of Mongolia and Expats would meet and get acquainted, share their experiences, their cultures, and their languages. Three times my postings were deleted by administrators. When I asked, Why, I was told that advertisements and promotions werent allowed by I got to thinking, and I came to the conclusion that your administrator is taking this policy a little too far. Was I selling anything? No, I was not. Do I charge people for joining our gatherings? No, I do not. I was simply trying to organize people to meet and make friendship. Ive done this before in other countries, and what Im trying to do is unprecedented in Mongolia. I just have one question: Is it your companys policy (as Julie said) to NOT allow the promotion international friendship, inter-cultural understanding, inter-racial tolerance, philanthropy, and language exchange. Cause if it is, I will stop posting on your boards and Julie et al wont have to delete any more of my postings.
Thanks in advance for you time on this matter.
Hi Leon,
thanks for your message. I will try to find out more about what happened and contact you in private.
By the way your messages were not deleted but moved to a private forum.
It looks like you posted 4 times roughly the same message on the forums on the same day, it may explain everything but as promised I will talk to the team tomorrow.
All the best