
Cell phone and internet La Ceiba



My wife and I both work from home and need reliable internet to be able to connect with our companies back in the US. Is this realistic to expect we can get “US Quality” service in La Ceiba?

Also does anyone have experience with having AT&T or T-Mobile and using international plans in the La Ceiba area? We understand there are phone services in Honduras but we would like to be able to keep our US numbers.

Thanks in advance

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Both att and verizon will charge you a fortune as they required an international package. I recomend unlocking your phone before you leave and buy a monthly package from Claro or Tigo which is a fraction of provider in the USA . Wifi is ready available in honduras and is cheap. I would also download the Whats Apps which is free and have your contacts do the same. All calls and messages are free on the Whats Apps . Be sure you consult with your tel provides to set your tel settings so they dont charge you for Whats Apps activity. It happened to me but got refund from att but it was a hasle . I am from Georgia living in El Paraiso Danli


Both att and verizon will charge you a fortune as they required an international package. I recomend unlocking your phone before you leave and buy a monthly package from Claro or Tigo which is a fraction of provider in the USA . Wifi is ready available in honduras and is cheap. I would also download the Whats Apps which is free and have your contacts do the same. All calls and messages are free on the Whats Apps . Be sure you consult with your tel provides to set your tel settings so they dont charge you for Whats Apps activity. It happened to me but got refund from att but it was a hasle . I am from Georgia living in El Paraiso Danli


Thanks for the response! Great advise and I’ve heard the internet options were affordable but are they reliable and fast? If we are both working from how we need it to be efficient. The cost isn’t a big deal if the cost is double and fast we are fine with that as we rely on connection.

We’ll need a way for our companies from the US to be able to contact us, so we are thinking about doing both T-Mobile and Tigo or Claro because we need to have a US number as well.

If you have any insight on internet speed and reliability and if you’ve heard of T-Mobile reliability and/or any other options that will allow us to keep a US number that would be great!



I found Claro and Tigo to be good, both with unlimited download service and multiple speed options in the cities. My German friends in la ceiba are satisfied with the internet service for their business. I personally had no problems interfacing with the USA. Keep in mind, the service in the large cities is good but is less reliable in small communities
