New members of the Paraguay forum, introduce yourselves here - 2019

Hi all,

Newbie on the Paraguay forum? Don't know how to start?

This thread is for you ;)

We invite you to introduce yourself on this topic, to share with us your expat story if you are already living in the country,
or to tell us more on your expat projects in Paraguay if you are planning to move there.

It will enable us to help you better but above all to wish you a warm welcome.

Welcome on board!

Hi All,
I'm Satyandra from India and planning to move to Paraguay. Can any one guide me for job, purchasing of house and agriculture land. Can I have the list of Indian people who already have moved to Paraguay and settled.

Hi everyone
Newbie here. I have a somewhat romantic dream to settle in a smaller Paraguayan town, buy a house with some land and try and grow and preserve as much food as I can. Essentially trying to be self sufficient.... and perhaps even supplying the locals with some yummy food and preserved meats, veg and fruits should I have surplus.

1) How possible would it be to find a location in which I can do this?
2) How easy will it be to integrate into society once I am able to speak Spanish properly? 3) How legit is the residence process with that US$4500 in a Paraguayan bank account really?

I have heard it is rather easy to obtain residence, but a lot of what I have read seem just a little dodgy to my liking.

Hope everyone is well

My interest and dreams matched as yours. Can we shared more to our dreams come true.

Hello... I am living in Paraguay and I am familiar with India and the culture and language. I can assist you with some basic info you need help.

Hello to All,

I am Sal, I have been living in Paraguay for 5+ years now! I am available to give some basic info, if someone needs help or has questions. Good luck with your move to Latin America, you will need it! It is not for the faint of heart, but once you figure it out, life is quite good here! Cheers!

Hi, the question is, what is your nationality? If you are from a developed country and don't need an entry visa, or can pick it up upon arrival... then the "deposit" option is a straightforward solution. However, if you need an entry visa, then the process will be more than challenging, you must consider the residency by investment option or become a student.

Need an attorney (Abagado) in Paraguay to handle citizenship process. I am from new delhi india and can only speak english. Please help me with the process.


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