
What is so attractive about studying in the UK?

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Anne-Lise Mty

Hey everyone, how are you? I’m Anne-Lise and I’m in charge of editorial team here at We are  is striving to offer you all content that will be of interest to you and therefore, addressing issues that will hit closer to home.
So here it goes: this week we will be looking at the increasing interest Chinese students show in British universities. So if you’re a local, or you maybe are an expat teaching in China or working with students- give us some insight! What makes the United Kingdom so interesting to Chinese students? You answer could be featured in one of our future articles :)

Looking forward to hearing from you!



This is really easy to answer

Many British universities are considered to be of very high standing so a degree from them is worth more than a degree from Chinese universities

The English language entry requirement is high and several years of practice is going to sharpen those skills a lot, thus ex-UK uni graduates will have excellent work opportunities in China

China is a massive world trading country, arguably number one in the world, and that means the Chinese government wants as many top quality, well educated English trained people as possible

Basically, anyone from China with a British degree is on a winner.

Anne-Lise Mty

Thanks for your answer Fred. Isn't university in the United Kingdom super expensive, however? Any one can give us some insight as to how more and more people are affording to study abroad and specially in the UK?


Anne-Lise wrote:

Thanks for your answer Fred. Isn't university in the United Kingdom super expensive, however?

British unis are expensive for Brits but cost an arm and a leg for non-EU students.
The Chinese students I knew back in the UK were all funded by family as they were aware of the massive potential for the future. Sadly, I have lost touch with all now but I hope they've done really well on their return home.


Anne-Lise wrote:

Thanks for your answer Fred. Isn't university in the United Kingdom super expensive, however?

British unis are expensive for Brits but cost an arm and a leg for non-EU students.
The Chinese students I knew back in the UK were all funded by family as they were aware of the massive potential for the future.
Most supplemented their income with part time work, commonly in Chinese run businesses such as the fast food industry but others worked as singers and a whole host of other jobs.
Sadly, I have lost touch with all now but I hope they've done really well on their return home.

On the slim chance "Alice" from Manchester reads this - Send me a PM - I'd love to know how things worked out for you.

Anne-Lise Mty

Thank you for your response Fred. This info will be useful for the writing up of the article.


I knew a whole bunch of Chinese students studying in the UK so got to know a lot about the way they lived, their digs, the way they thought, and the reasons they stated for studying in the UK.
Quite a fun time with lots of parties, lots of great restaurants, lots of fun times, and a lot of new mates from a whole host of backgrounds.
I even got to the point I could detect accents and tell people where they were from before they told me - made a great party trick.
I once met a girl in a Chinese restaurant in London and told her which town she was from In Malaysia, and told her which part of China her family had migrated from - That shocked the poor lass.
Ah, happy days but, sad as it is, time marched on and those days have washed away into the darkness of a lost, unwritten history, that making me muse what Trenchard must have felt like as he stood on that all so famous third bridge, probably empty flagon in hand, destitute in both possession and love.
However, one should always look on the bright side of life, ask Monty.

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