
Working for Canada from DR


Good Morning Expat Family!

I currently live in Canada and work as a Graphic Designer (Both freelancer and full time employee)

Before making the move to the DR I wanted to make sure I had a regular income from Canada.

I have two options right now: Getting freelance contracts made or working for a Canadian company from abroad. ( Maybe a mix of the two :) )

Does anyone know what this would mean in terms of having to pay taxes?
Does the company I work for pay me as a Canadian resident? or is it considered foreign income?
Is it better if I offer working as a freelancer for that company and just claim my taxes as self-employed...
Soo many questions...

I hope my question makes sense :)

See also

Job offers in Dominican RepublicWorking in the Dominican RepublicSetting up a business in the Dominican RepublicWorking in Puerto PlataWorking in Santiago de los Caballeros

Welcome to the forums!    Honey you need to ask a Canadian tax expert these questions first..


Hello Monasitta,

Planner is correct. 

Everything depends on your ultimate purpose though.  Will you be moving to the DR permanently?  Will you be applying for residency?

Canada and the Dominican Republic have a tax treaty between the two countries: … g-1976.pdf

As Planner said though, it's best to talk to your Canadian accountant and to mention the treaty.  They will also be able to advise you on the pros/cons of accepting a position as a contractor vs. an employee with regards to taxes.


Thank you for your replies. I will do that :)

I was asking incase someone is doing something similar.

@JaneInTheDominican Thank you for the helpful pdf!


Always good to ask. Many here work remotely from Canada and the USA.  Your personal situation may be a bit different tax wise so its always good to ask.