
New Visa requirements for Americans travelling into Europe/Schengen


An ETIAS visa will be required as of 2021 for Americans wishing to travel to and stay in EU and Schengen areas.It will last for three years.You will see this information on line if you tap in..ETIAS,Visa Waiver for Americans.Looks like it can be done on line.

See also

Residence permits in GreeceWork visas for GreeceFIP Visa - joint applicationtourist visa to working visadoes crypto nomad visa work in Greece?

concertina wrote:

An ETIAS visa will be required as of 2021 for Americans wishing to travel to and stay in EU and Schengen areas.It will last for three years.You will see this information on line if you tap in..ETIAS,Visa Waiver for Americans.Looks like it can be done on line.

Apparently it's technically not a visa but a permission.

Here's an article about it from The Los Angeles Times: … story.html

Here is the ETIAS website:

Meanwhile, until this system is fully implemented, here are the current requirements for U.S. citizen travelers:


Official definition of endorsement in a passport or similar document signifying that the document is in order and PERMITTING its bearer to travel into or through the country of the government issuing it..another official authorisation appended to a passport PERMITTING entry into and travel within a particular country or region..So we see that VISA and PERMISSION are one and the same thing,splitting hairs here,I just planted it on as it caught my eye on Greek on- line news,I have very limited time available by way of helping others but I thought it might bring a ray of hope for American people who would dearly love a longer,permit,what ever,I thought youd get my jist everybody,not necessary to be quite so pedantic.


concertina wrote:

Official definition of endorsement in a passport or similar document signifying that the document is in order and PERMITTING its bearer to travel into or through the country of the government issuing it..another official authorisation appended to a passport PERMITTING entry into and travel within a particular country or region..So we see that VISA and PERMISSION are one and the same thing,splitting hairs here,I just planted it on as it caught my eye on Greek on- line news,I have very limited time available by way of helping others but I thought it might bring a ray of hope for American people who would dearly love a longer,permit,what ever,I thought youd get my jist everybody,not necessary to be quite so pedantic.

Oh geeze...

If you would click on the links and read them fully (even though you apparently don't know how to share a link) you would see it is their official position that it is NOT a Visa.

You were helpful.

I expanded on your post.

If it's all about helping, then everyone wins.

If you want to choose to have hurt feelings, that's on you.



Oh wow.oh geeze! yer, I see what you mean,yer,its the american humor,I must have been confused,so sorry,no, wasnt hurt, Ive been hurt recently by many surgical operations,not normally by posting people,,just thought..Oh geeze,another one.I dont share links,I let people do some things for themselves.I mean,cant do everything can I.I do know how, I think,yer,just click on submit,thats it isnt it?Oh geez!What does GEEZ mean by the way,is it american slang?sounds kinda strange,us Brits dont talk like that.You musnt get rude and impolite Oceanbeach,it shows a lack of intelligence and kindness.You have a nice evening oceanbeach.Love from down town Athens,cheers is considered rather common,thankyou so much for your post.And whats Vietnam like then?I suppose you live there because you can eat for less than a dollar a week.And why are you hiding your eyes on your looks strange.


Kind of splitting hairs, either way, its new requirements that will be going into effect as of 2021, and links have been provided, so thank you for that.