The Forum Too quick to block you

I am moving to Dalian in July and looking to make new friends
My approach to all is obviously the same - to introduce myself and give my WeChat ***
Seems really crazy that the forum does not allow copy and paste - particularly that you are blocked without warning
Anyway - I will be pleased to connect - and to meet in Dalian and hoping I will be unblocked soon

Moderated by Bhavna 5 years ago
Reason : Contact details should not be posted on the forum section. Thank you
We invite you to read the forum code of conduct

Copy and paste is not allowed on this forum and for security reasons it is unsafe to post any contact details here on the open forum. Please use the message system to exchange such information.

Dear chap, forums and other means of communication, have serious problems with junk mail, the sort of total crap you get through your letter box and in your email in-tray.

Ask yourself this - do the people you sent the messages to want them, or will they just ignore or delete it?
Then ask this, did you enjoy wasting your time on junk mail?


There are all sorts of people who visit the forum. Some actually become stalkers and some have some serious personal issues. The rule is be very, very cautious. It is for your own protection.

Fair enough if copy / paste is not allowed but this is not obvious - why not a warning on first occasion ?

Surely most people are on here to make contacts?
If no interest in making contacts why be on the forum ?

Hymoto wrote:

Surely most people are on here to make contacts?
If no interest in making contacts why be on the forum ?

The forum's primary function is a mutual help group, contacts are a by-product.

Hymoto wrote:

Fair enough if copy / paste is not allowed but this is not obvious - why not a warning on first occasion ?

Because of the scam artists, sex pest, fake marriage fools, and a load of other people no one wants sending them messages.

Any other questions?

Strange reply - how can you help anyone if you don't make contacts?

Hymoto wrote:

Strange reply - how can you help anyone if you don't make contacts?

It's called a discussion forum,
Facebook is a different idea


Please kindly understand. @Fred is absolutely correct. This is not Facebook or other similar social media websites. There are few people as vulnerable as expats are. Seriously. Often times we are away from our social network of family and friends, we are in a place with different customs and often we cannot speak or read the language.

You can meet people on this forum... cautiously. very, very cautiously.

I once struck up a on-line friendship with an expat, and then found out that he wasn't an expat at all. He just wanted to sell me health insurance. He did so aggressively and left a most terrible experience. In fact, it turned me completely against insurance for expats for years. That is, until I got a real strong reaming from someone on this forum. Some times you need a little slap in the face to come to your senses.

Another time, was a stalker who was emailing me three or four times a day. Hey! I'm a friendly as the next guy and I am willing to help youse guys all out, but I have a life and a family. This is just a hobby for me.

There are guys who are looking for "investors". Avoid them. Never give your money to anyone. Especially anyone on the internet. There are guys looking for business partners. Avoid them. There are other web sites that are much more appropriate for that kind of venture. There are girls that are looking for ... ? Be careful.

I have a post on my blog called Beware the Expat. You should read it HERE. It goes into great detail why people need to be cautious.