
Doctors Credentials verification through EPIC for MOH Kuwait


Good Day,

I have been offered job in Ministry of health Kuwait and i appreciate responses from the members for the following inquiries.

1) Anybody can let me know the specific time taken for the verification of credentials for Doctors through EPIC.

2) Once credentials are verified through EPIC is it also necessary to get our credentials verified by Ministry of Higher education-Kuwait (MOHE)?

See also

Living in Kuwait: the expat guideMarriage in KuwaitMedical BAN KuwaitIncorrect civil numberAsking a Kuwaiti father for his blessing to marry his daughter.
Hi asalam walikum
I have the same question and I would be very grateful if you could tell me if you found the answer .
time taken will vary on a case-by-case basis, depending on the current situation - so i would guess it might take some time given the political situation here.

There are no hard and fast rules for these things, your best bet would be to follow up directly with whoever got you the job there or sends you information regularly,
there is NO connection between EPIC and verification by ministry of higher education .
the important is the verification of ministry of higher education ..
regarding EPIC, you just register and account , and have ID ............ the  ministry ask about the number ........ most probably no one will ask you about their verifications :)
dont send credential to EPIC .... unless the ministry ask you when you arrive
Anonymous MOH employee

Hi. Iam also in same boat. I got selected in a hospital & my documents are in ministry for job offer letter for last 5 months. Iam still waiting for response.

Is there any time frame? Can I get an update?


@Anonymous,Things will not move here in kuwait,so Follow up regularly with MOH if you are in Kuwait.

Anonymous MOH employee

Iam not in Kuwait. Iam In Pakistan. Iam in touch with hospital only, and they are saying "it takes time" it's already been 5 months and I have no idea where my papers are

Is there any way out?

How can I get an update?

P.s: this vacancy was advertised on linkedin by MOH and my interview has been done