
Vehicle importation

santiago arguelles

Can you bring your vehicle to panama

See also

Driving in PanamaCar rentalVehicle Importation to PanamaMoving to Panama and driving from NJ.Wheelchair accessible van in Bogota or Panama

Yes, but it’s generally not recommended because of cost and red tape, and it might be hard to repair or find parts here. It’s much easier to buy something here.


You certainly may, BUT, 9 out of 10 that did wish they had not!

santiago arguelles

Why sunny


I bought a car here in panama. Love it but now can’t get a DL they denied me because sugar is at 113 and they want 110. Although I hear the Panamanian people aren’t poked anymore for  Glucose.  I’m going to start exploring Mexico -  might be easier and cheaper


never heard of a physical keeping any one from a license i was 71 when i got my license renewed  it requires a physical and a hearing test ,, which i passed both , i have imported a pick up , a car , a motorcycle and the only gringo i know of that got a tax exemption on a motor home ,, took two years and a couple of hundred in bribes but was worth it ,, cost 650 instead of 6,500 .. i think you exploring mexico is typical of someone that will never be happy any place they go ,, is always some place " easier and cheaper "