Baby groups

Hi all,

I have just had a baby in Nairobi and am wanting to meet other mums with young babies....
I was wondering if anyone knew of any baby groups?


Hi Nosocks!

Welcome to :)


Hi,No socks, Congratulations on motherhood. I know of no baby groups, but it sounds like an interesting venture. Mother to 16 months old beautiful daughter. Drop me a line.

Likewise, I have no knowledge of such a group, although there are a quite a few nurseries.  Get in there and start one!

I would also like to join a baby group :)

hi all,
Congratulations Nosocks...i have an 8 month old daughter and am shifting to nairobi by august..would really like to start a baby group..

hi,.i do c such groupings at my expat friends homes what i aint sure about is wether its open or exclusive to just friends..i could make a mention bout u and get back to u f u havent yet got a group

Hey, that would be great. Do let me know.


yeah..that would be really let me know too

Sorry to interlope, but my girlfriend is moving to Nairobi in December with 2 infants.  I want to buy something for the babies that would be appropriate for the area.  Is there any type of clothing that babies need in Nairobi - I dont know should I be buying hats - no pants.  what would be a cute gift that showed I did my research. Thanks, Janet

Hello! you can join Kilimani Mums Group on Facebook - you'll find a lot of info about kids there - playgroups, shops and so on.