Childcare options for summer in Brussels?

Hi, I recently moved to Brussels for work and my family will follow in a month. I have two 2.5 years old twins and I would like to find some type of childcare option for them during the summer, before they start school. We live near the city centre.

I called ONE and they made it clear I won't find anything. A colleague told me that both in public and private crèches the waitlist is months long (I wish I had known earlier).

Any advice is most welcome, I'm pretty lost here.

Thank you all!

58 options in Brussels for 2.5 year olds holiday care on this search website. … es%5B%5D=2

42 options in Brussels for 2.5 year olds holiday care on this search website. … earchMulti


Did you end up finding anything? I am in the same situation (except I will not go in the summer, but in the spring), and I can't find anything...

Any advice would be very appreciated...