
Back 2 Brazil. My story. Looking for Visa Advice


So here we go.

Overstayed Tourist visa. First entry was august 2016, left brazil October 2016 for Chile and Bolvia second entry  was febuary 2017 from Bolivia. Left Brazil again to see sick family July 2018.

Whilst i am here in the UK I am renewing my passport and getting some documentations for a potential stable union or marriage.

I have recieved my fine from the Brazillian feds as expected. I have the funds to pay upon my return, This is not a problem.


I hope to return september/october once my documentations are sorted out.

When I return will i be given just a 25 day visa (as i have heard and read in some cases)... or will i go back to a normal tourist visa like i did in august 2016? In other words would I have a clean slate once my fines paid? So to speak...

If i did gain the tourist visa again, could i extend it for another three months too?

This tourist visa may be the best option for me as it would mean i would not have to go through the beaurocratic ball ache of stable unions and marriage.

My and my girlfriend (who is brazillian) hope to spend sometime in brazil together until we go to europe early next year.

I guess I am much like many of you who have fallen in love with Brazil. So if anyone could share their experience or any information that would bring some clarity to the murky situation I would massively apprieciate it and send you an air five.

Perhaps we will end up getting married eventually, but for now Im still exploring all avenues.

I will also have a new passport, not sure if that makes any difference however.

Many many thanks.

See also

Work permits for BrazilThe Working Holiday Visa for BrazilGeneral visa requirements for BrazilHow Long to Get Passport Back After US Visa Approval in Rio?Big Visa Bagunca

I suggest you query :Overstays: on this forum for it will provide a lot of answers  and information of possible things that may happen and can happen. I think once you clear up the monies you will fine, yet under watch from the past overstay you will also have to pay the fine I believe at a bank? also be aware of what time your flight arrives for the banks are not 24 hours operation...Query all you can from Overstays and Fines, the fines have also increased so make sure you have the fine document for it is Brazil and you could be being fined at the new rate.. Did the PF give you a Red Stamp in your Old Passport? be aware the new Passport will not help you with the Red Stamp for Brazil loves Documentation and Fines. Good Luck and if you have a Brazilian Embassy in your area stop in and tell them your story. Hope this helps

just Question OVERSTAY on the Brazil Forum.. you are not Alone. When you come to the Landing page of  there is a Question box on the right hand side, type in Overstay, make sure the location is Brazil and not one of the states in Brazil.


mistake in my post, i left in july to see sick fam 2019 not 2018..