English food products

Hi all,

I am currently thinking of setting up a business in importing English food products to sell and am looking for feedback whether people would be interested in this service.

Please let me know of any feedback you have and potential products you would be interested In so that I can try and cater for everyone.


I am from Thailand and I am a food lover.
I currently live in France.
Let me know if we can become partner.


It's a good idea but shipping costs would need to be reasonable.

Hi just saw your advert, it would indeed be interesting to ave some English products as I don't think anyone around this area is dealing with that kind of project.
Come back maybe I can help

There is not much I missed about England food-wise when living in France. Perhaps Battenberg cakes, Marmalade, Cornish pasties, Clotted Cream etc. I am not sure it would appeal to the French or the Brits who love French food because half the enjoyment about visiting or living in France is the food.

You should consider importing Thai food products, such as authentic curry pastes