Reading habits in Greece

Hello everyone,

Books can be your greatest companions whether you have already settled in Greece or are now planning your move. Are you an avid or occasional reader? We would like to know more about your reading habits.

What type of reading do you enjoy? Do you read novels, comics, magazines, newspapers, etc.?

Where do you purchase or borrow books in Greece (bookstores, online, library subscription, etc.)? Do you prefer digital reading?

Do you have an average budget devoted to reading in Greece? Do you buy books or pay a library membership fee?  Do you spend more or less than in your country of origin?

In what languages can you find the books that you usually read?

What books or magazines would generally be found on your bedside table?

Thanks for participating,


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Dear Expats,

I am a fiction writer and have published many books, some about Greece, and some including Greece. I live in Evros close to the town of Orestada, and overlooking the River Ardas.

So, I usually write and do not read so much when I am working. Here is my Amazon website: where you can find out more about me.

My favourite author is Louis De Bernier and my favourite book is Birds Without Wings.

Best regards

Patrick Brigham