Sponsors in Indonesia

Hi everyone,
I am Nigerian and currently living in UAE. I am planning on visiting Indonesia for 5days in November,  going with few of my friends . My friends got visa on arrival but unfortunately for me I need to apply.  :(:sosad:
I have tried to apply from different agencies here in UAE but no one could help cos I need a sponsor in Indonesia. 😭😢
Does anyone know like an agent who can help with applying and providing a sponsor there in Indonesia. Or someone who is willing to be a sponsor.
Thanking you in advance.

Reports from Nigerians say it's all but impossible to get a visa of any sort at the moment.
This is very probably a direct reaction to the mess so many of your countrymen have caused in this country with drug dealing, fraud, and a whole host of other crimes.
Romanians are likely to be next on the list if their citizen carry on in the way they're going.

I guess I need another travel destination.
I had really love to visit there.
It's weird though that no one can help, I have all legal papers staying here and just wanna go for 5DAYS, even the embassy here can't,

Hi, if you need a local sponsor, please message me.

Please read my message.

Hi everyone.
Please read Hanidemedinat message very carefully and spot the mistakes in logic.
1. 'He' is planning to go with friends and 'his' friends have already had a visa. How?.
2. Also it is highly unlikely that agencies cannot help. Really?. What are agencies for?
3. 'He' is asking us if we know an agent and yet he has already tried to apply from different agencies. Really?

Scammers are usually uneducated and you can easily spot them by the mistakes that they make in either logic, grammar or English. And this one is no exception.
So I repeat: Read the message again and see if it makes sense.

I am sorry to say that when I hear anything to do with Nigeria, I immediately think "very clever scam". So if you still insist on sponsoring Hanidemedinat , take precautions.

My personal checklist of precautions:
1. Do not give any details of your banking or other financial details, or those of anyone else.
2. Do not give any details of your financial standing or those of anyone else.
3. Do not engage in any monetary or financial arrangement whatsoever.
4. Do not offer any financial assistance to this person whatsoever.
5. Do not lend money to this person.

I am genuinely sad and sorry to be compelled to say this, but I have first hand knowledge of friends who have been hurt by scammers and have heard of countless others. So I am compelled to respond in this manner on behalf of all those who have been hurt in this way.
Please understand that I am only using the name "Nigeria" because Hanidemedinat claims to be Nigerian.

The embassy can't help? Something must be seriously wrong with your situation.

tlantzakis wrote:

The embassy can't help? Something must be seriously wrong with your situation.

Delayed reply - Sorry

It's unlikely to be the OP that has a specific problem as this seems to be a general thing at the moment.

it's strange if there is someone who wants to help strangers without thinking anymore. I have a Swiss best friend. He objected to helping me become my sponsor because I had to include his bank account.
He don't want to do it.

Hi Miss yuni
Really i not underst, sponsor for indonesia is only indonesian people or u take the ID  indo(so after 10 y for guest). To be a sponsor in case of person and not company ( for company different doc) need ID and "keluarga" (family status) and no other, like account. I spoke about sponsor not for kitas (need a register company or wife) but for  social visa. This is all, but if other question pls write, regard